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Chancellor's International Scholarships

International student smiling
Applications are now open for the Chancellor's International Scholarships at Warwick, awarded to the most outstanding international PhD applicants. Current international students in their first year are also eligible to apply. Awards made for entry in Autumn 2025 will include:

  • The full payment of tuition fees
  • A maintenance stipend paid at the prevailing UKRI rate for 3.5 years
    • If you are already in your first year of study when you apply then the length of funding will be reduced accordingly.
  • A Research, Training and Supporting Grant (RTSG) of £5,000.

The application deadline for this year’s competition is 12 December 2024. To find out more and to apply, visit the scholarships website. You can read through profiles of current WMS students who were successful in applying for the scholarship and read their advice for applicants below.

Student profiles

Hear from some of our current recipients of the Chancellor's International Scholarship and find out how it has helped them.


Name: Aileen Sara Viji

Home country: India

Area of interest: Over the next few years, I will be studying how immune cells called macrophages deposit and remodel extracellular matrix around developing kidney-like Malpighian tubules giving their characteristic structure in Drosophila.

How easy was it to apply for the Scholarship?

No PhD application is ever a simple task, but my experience applying to Warwick was remarkably smooth. The postgraduate research team, particularly Francesca Meneghetti, provided invaluable support throughout. The team was always available to address any queries and even helped me connect with the right people. Additionally, the Warwick Chancellor’s International Scholarship website is an excellent resource with respect to information about deadlines, applicant ranking criteria, scholarship awards, and more.

Did it take a lot of preparation and commitment?

Submitting the best possible version of your PhD application is crucial, and this most definitely requires preparation and commitment. In my opinion, the ideal people to evaluate your application are your potential supervisor and your peers. Your supervisor understands the intricacies of your project and what constitutes an acceptable application. Staying in touch with your supervisor throughout the process and seeking valuable feedback on your statements can be immensely helpful. Finally, your peers can be excellent judges of your capabilities, helping you refine your application.

If you were to give advice for others on how to approach the process what would you say?

I would argue that the most important part of your PhD application begins right at the start, during your initial discussions with your potential supervisor about your project, lab dynamics, and the supervisor's level of involvement. It might feel far-fetched or irrelevant to consider early on, as PhD-ing is often assumed to be inherently difficult and a draining experience in the long run, which is not entirely true. Ideally, pursuing a PhD project that you have chosen for yourself should be an exciting, enjoyable, and brain-tickling experience. A major factor influencing your overall experience during your PhD is the lab you finally choose to join. Since much of your PhD will be a learning process, it’s worth asking yourself if it will be fulfilling if you were on edge throughout?

P.S. There is no denying, hiccups are inevitable. When your project does not seem to be steering in the right direction, the world seems to be ending, but that is part of the journey.

What did receiving the scholarship mean to you and how has it helped you?

I found leaving behind ‘home’, moving to a new place and adapting to an unfamiliar culture an overwhelming experience given how swiftly everything unfolded. At this point, receiving the scholarship was a tremendous relief. Especially as an international student, relocating to a new country and starting from scratch can quickly add up. However, being awarded the Chancellor’s scholarship has allowed me to entirely focus on the PhD I have always wanted to pursue!


Name: Archibong Bassey

Home country: Nigeria

Area of interest: Health Sciences, Public Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (HIV), Health Inequalities and Co- production.

How easy was it to apply for the Chancellor's Scholarship?

It was fairly straightforward. When applying, I found all the guidelines for applying for the scholarship written on the website of the doctoral college. There were also links that led to the course application process with various deadlines specified on the application pages. With support from my supervisors and previous scholars, it really made the whole process easier.

Did it take a lot of preparation and commitment?

It really takes preparation and commitment to achieve anything worthwhile in life.

I was first aware of the scholarship while starting my master's degree in public health (MPH) at the Warwick Medical School in October 2021. Nonetheless, I could not apply then as I had no project ideas for the PhD.

Hence, I waited until the next year when I was done with my MPH, found a supervisor, and conceived a project idea. Afterwards, I prepared all the required documents, applied for the scholarship with the help of my supervisor and got in!

If you were to give advice for others on how to approach the process what would you say?

Be mindful of the deadlines. Give yourself time to complete all required processes such as contacting a supervisor, writing your proposal (purpose of study in my case) and submitting all required documents quite early on so as not to miss the deadlines.

If you can, get your supervisor or someone else to review your scholarship essays. This really helped me avoid grammatical errors and other structural problems in my writing.

What did receiving the scholarship mean to you and how has it helped you?

After getting my unconditional offer for the PhD in Health Sciences in January 2023, the notification of the scholarship arrived in February and I was really excited. The scholarship has paved the way for me to contribute my quota by way of scientific research to end the HIV/AIDS crisis in my home country Nigeria and in Africa.

The scholarship has also eased my worries by sorting out my tuition fees and providing a comfortable monthly stipend for my day-to-day living expenses in the UK. This scholarship has also provided me the opportunity to work with supervisors who are supportive of my academic and professional growth as well as opportunities to learn and connect with other researchers across the Warwick Medical School and the wider university community.


Name: Badeer Hassan Ummat

Home country: India

What is your area of interest? Biophysics, Computational Biology

How easy was it to apply for the Chancellor's Scholarship?

  • The application experience was smooth. The university website for the chancellor's scholarship lists detailed directions for each application step. It is a multi-step process with different deadlines for each. It was a straightforward process once I planned everything, I had to do for the scholarship application according to the deadlines.

Did it take a lot of preparation and commitment?

The application did take a considerable amount of time for researching, planning and drafting the application documents. I had to make sure that my research experiences complement the research proposal and that the proposal aligns with the department's research. Two things that helped me greatly were being clear about what research area I wanted to work with and finding a suitable research lab beforehand.

If you were to give advice for others on how to approach the process what would you say?
Start with reading the information on the website and be sure to familiarize yourself with the ranking criteria used for selecting the scholar. The ranking criteria will give you an idea about drafting the research proposal so that you can receive a maximum score. Most importantly, getting in touch with a research lab will help you mould the research proposal to align with the lab's work. Preparing a well-defined research idea after consulting with a potential supervisor will also help formulate a well-put motivational letter explaining the relevance of your research and academic background for the proposed research. Lastly, don't hesitate to contact the respective university staff for any further information; they will really try to help you.

What did receiving the scholarship mean to you and how has it helped you?

The scholarship enabled me to move to a new country and experience science in a world-class international research environment. Without the assistance provided by the scholarship, it would not be financially sustainable for me to pursue my PhD at Warwick. The scholarship takes care of all the monthly expenses, and I can give complete attention to my studies and research at Warwick without worrying about my finances.


Name: Kayla Smith

Home country: United States of America

What is your area of interest? Health Sciences

How easy was it to apply for the Chancellor's Scholarship?
It is very easy to apply for the Chancellor's Scholarship! The instructions and guidance notes are easy to follow and clearly outline what is expected of you.

Did it take a lot of preparation and commitment?
The application for the Chancellor's Scholarship does take a considerable amount of preparation and commitment. In order to put together an excellent application, it helps to have a very clear, well thought out project. This requires having a good understanding of your research questions and how your project would fit into the department, all of which takes planning and good communication.

If you were to give advice for others on how to approach the process what would you say?
Start the process early and reach out to your potential department or supervisor as soon as possible. It helps to have additional time to refine your research questions project, but it also allows you to see how your project would fit into the research that is already being conducted, and you might be able to receive insightful feedback.

What did receiving the scholarship mean to you and how has it helped you?
Receiving the Chancellor's Scholarship has given me the opportunity to attend a world-renowned university and pursue research that will hopefully have a significant impact for people with learning disabilities. This scholarship has reduced the financial burden of attending university and allows me to focus on my education and build the skills I need for my future career. Without this scholarship, I would not have been able to attend Warwick and would not have access to all the resources I have now that make obtaining my PhD possible.


Name: Angela Mwape

Home country: Zambia

Area of interest: Health Sciences, 'Determinants of prescribing behaviour for Urinary Tract Infections in English Primary Care'

How easy was it to apply for the Chancellor's Scholarship? 
It was quite straight forward. I met all the eligibility criteria and ensured that my proposal met the necessary requirements. I also had the support of my supervisor who was always readily available to answer any questions and ensure that my proposal met the required criteria.

Did it take a lot of preparation and commitment?
Yes, drafting my research proposal and being clear about what I wanted to achieve. I also had to find the right supervisor whose research aligns with my interests. The latter was the hardest part but thankfully when I got in touch with the admin staff at Warwick Medical School, they were able to provide me a few recommendations and the rest is history.

If you were to give advice for others on how to approach the process what would you say? 
Be clear about your research, make sure you find the right supervisor and that your research interests aligns not only with your supervisor but also the faculty you are applying to. Again, I can not stress the importance of finding the right supervisor/s as they will guide you and be at hand to answer any questions you may have.

What did receiving the scholarship mean to you and how has it helped you?
It has taught me that anything is possible and achievable if you set your mind to it. The scholarship was beyond my wildest imagination and to date I still can't believe that the University of Warwick offered it to me - it's all school fees and living expenses paid. My only focus is to ensure that I do the research, without any financial burdens of pursuing higher education at one of the best universities across the United Kingdom.

I always wanted to do a PhD due to my curious mind but I wanted to be more connected to healthcare research and improving patient outcomes. Although it felt like I took a detour during my masters, receiving the scholarship has aligned me to my primary interests since my undergraduate years. Thank you to Warwick University for educating a girl-child and seeing her potential and my supervisors, who have made this transition less challenging. My primary supervisor has always been there to ensure I am fully equipped to undertake my research and despite the challenges of the pandemic she has not wavered in her support. I also have great support from my peers, the postgraduate admin team but also the university health and wellbeing team.


Name: Sayantika Ghosh

Home country: India

Area of interest: PhD in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Science - Building an artificial hybrid system to understand protein interactions during cancer metastasis

How easy was it to apply for the Chancellor's Scholarship?
The application process for the Chancellor’s Scholarship is fairly simple and straightforward. It is a two-step process - first we need to apply on the university website and then separately for the funding.

Did it take a lot of preparation and commitment?
The Chancellor’s Scholarship is highly competitive and requires meticulous planning and preparation backed with a research proposal.

Firstly, I had to draft an original research idea based upon my area of interest and passion. Then I had to find a lab which specialised in a similar area of research as my area of interest. The next part is critical when as an aspiring student you’ve to get in touch with the Principal Investigator (PI)/Supervisors of various labs with your research idea. If accepted, you’re called for an interview with the potential supervisor and then you can discuss your research project. Finally, I had to draft the Research Proposal (based on the project we had decided during the meeting) and applied along with a motivational letter to the Chancellor’s Scholarship website.

If you were to give advice for others on how to approach the process what would you say?

Get in touch with a lab which is working on your field of interest and start drafting your application, giving yourself time for making amendments with a full review cycle.

What did receiving the scholarship mean to you and how has it helped you?

The Chancellor’s Scholarship had made it possible to pursue my dream of pursuing a PhD degree. As an international student, it would’ve been impossible for me to pay the huge tuition fees and to support myself financially without it.


Name: Aleksandra Byrska

Home country: Poland

Area of interest: PhD in Medical Sciences - my interests include human embryology and early cell division processes

How easy was it to apply for the Chancellor's Scholarship?
It was really easy, especially with all the guidelines available on the University website and the support from my supervisor

Did it take a lot of preparation and commitment?
It did not require a lot of additional work, once the research proposal for my general PhD application was done it was easy to answer the research-based question. It took some more time to fill in all the information regarding myself and my suitability for the project, but it was definitely worth a little bit of additional effort.

If you were to give advice for others on how to approach the process what would you say?
I would say to start the process as early as possible to give yourself some time to think about what you need to prepare and how to connect your experience and skills to your research proposal. It is good to have in mind what do you want to do in your research to properly explain why you are the right person to do it.

What did receiving the scholarship mean to you and how has it helped you?
I am grateful for receiving the scholarship. It means I do not need to worry about my finances and I can focus on my research. I believe I would not be able to pay for my PhD studies on my own, as UK tuitions are very high comparing to what salaries are in my home country. The Chancellor's Scholarship is therefore a great opportunity for me to pursue my dreams that could be otherwise much more difficult to achieve.