After graduation
Before you can register fully with the General Medical Council (GMC), you must undertake further training after graduation.
Warwick graduates are entitled to provisional registration with the General Medical Council with a licence to practise, subject to demonstrating to the GMC that their fitness to practise is not impaired.
The Warwick course is followed by two Foundation Years (F1 and F2). You will apply for your Foundation Year 1 (F1) post in the autumn of your final year.
For the Coventry and Warwickshire area, this Foundation Training Programme is organised by the West Midlands Deanery with which Warwick Medical School has close links. The majority of our students remain in the area to complete this period of further education.
You will emerge from your Foundation Years as a doctor, ready to move into your chosen field of specialisation. This may be within the NHS, perhaps working in a hospital specialising in surgery or psychiatry, or after further training, you may wish to work as a general practitioner. Other opportunities may lead you to specialise in pathology or medical research. Alternatively, you may wish to use your knowledge outside the NHS - perhaps in the police, the armed forces or the academic world.
The School continues to support you after graduation through the WMS Alumni Association. As a member of the alumni community, you receive access to specialist careers advice, bespoke communication and events. Warwick Medical School values the contribution alumni make towards the continued success of the School.
Overseas students
Overseas students will be eligible to apply for leave to remain in the UK as a Postgraduate Doctor (permit-free training) to undertake the Foundation Programme and therefore to register with the General Medical Council.
Following completion of the Foundation Programme, if you wish to remain in the UK, you will be required to switch into another category of the Immigration Rules, such as the work permit system.
Further information from the GMC
USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination)
Warwick Medical School is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools Link opens in a new windowmeeting the eligibility requirements for students and graduates to apply to ECFMG for ECFMG Certification and examination.
Professions falling under European Directive 2005/36/EC
The recognition of professional qualifications laid down in Directive 2005/36/EC Link opens in a new windowenables the free movement of professionals such as doctors within the EU. This directive has now been amended by Directive 2013/55/EU.