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Confirm you have completed or will complete the activities in the Induction for Clinical Teachers online learning

I have completed all 10 activities in the webpages (required)
Choose a date to attend the Induction (required)

Privacy notice

The data on this form relates to your confirmation that you have completed the activities in the Induction for Clinical Teachers. The date and time of your submission, your identity and the declaration you have submitted will all be stored, but will not be used for any purpose other than administering and recording your coursework submission. This includes sharing your declaration with your NHS Trust as a record of your completing the Induction for Clinical Teachers is needed for GMC inspection.

The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of any information you have entered on this form and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. The University's Data Protection webpages provide further information on your rights and how the University processes personal data. If you wish to submit a data subjects rights request, make a complaint or report a suspected personal data breach, please contact the University’s Data Protection Officer by email at