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Medical Education Interest Group

Welcome to the Medical Education Interest Group (MEIG) at Warwick Medical School. This group has been developed in order to bring together faculty and students interested in developing their skills as medical educators and teachers. It is a discussion group for anyone interested in medical education, and those actively involved in teaching, curriculum development or educational research. The MedEd Interest Group meets once a month to hear from expert speakers, to inspire, to share experiences and to offer support and advice for ways to approach those tricky medical education related topics.

For the foreseeable future, we will be meeting virtually on Teams, where you can discuss the latest thinking in education, ask for advice on teaching, or simply listen to our expert speakers.

The MedEd Interest Group (MEIG) has 4 main activities:

          1. Interactive Meetings for Staff & Students (held virtually on Teams)
          2. Dissemination of Newsletters which summarise contents of MEIG meetings.
          3. 'MEIG Motivations' (Section found below: motivational posts to inspire and get you thinking about best practice)
          4. 'Medical Education Events of Interest' (Section found below: To Promote Upcoming Medical Education Conferences, Funding, Events of Interest to Staff & Students)

MEIG Motivations

March 29:

11 Books Every Aspiring or Current Medical Student Should Read 

Jan 5:

Bridging Gaps in Education

Dec 29:

Medical Teacher: How we make choices and sacrifices in medical education during the COVID 19 pandemic 

Sept 11:

The Curbsiders: An Internal Medicine Podcast

Sept 9:

Coronavirus is showing us just how useful robotic surgery could be

July 29:

Georgia Gray: Disability and medicine—a case for inclusivity

July 28:

Medical Student Insights from the Pandemic

July 1:

3D Printed, Bluetooth Stethoscope

June 15:

Small Teaching Tip: Increasing Students' Use of Office Hours

June 8th:

Top 10 Tips for Teaching Online

The University of Edinburgh shares their expertise for teaching online through their "Teaching Matters Blog".Link opens in a new window

MEIG Motivations contains motivational, information-rich posts that aim to inspire and inform.

Have something to include? Email

Medical Education Events of Interest

Have something to include? Email


If you would like to join the MedEd Interest Group mailing list, have a topic of interest you'd like to see covered, are interested in speaking at an upcoming meeting, or have a medical education conference of interest we should post on this page, please contact: Dr Erin Fillmore:

Thank you, and we hope to see you at our next meeting!


Dr Erin Fillmore, Associate Professor of Clinical Anatomy