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Meet our Phase I Team

Phase 1 Academic Lead

Greg Moorlock

Dr Greg Moorlock

Academic Lead for Phase 1

Find me: Room A122 MSB

What does your role involve?

    • I am responsible for learning, teaching, assessment and support for students in Phase 1 of the MBChB programme.
    • I also lead Phase 1 of the Values, Law and Ethics Theme

    What should students contact you about?

    Queries about academic issues related to Phase 1, or anything at all related to VLE.

    How can students contact you?

    Drop in: Room A122 MSB (I work from home sometimes, so worth dropping me an email beforehand to check that I'm in the office)

    When I'm not at work you can find me...?

    I have two young children and they account for most of my spare time. In the odd moment that I have left I can normally be found in close proximity to bikes, Land Rovers or canals.

    Rezeena Ovungal

    Admissions Assistant and Phase I Assistant

    Find me: School Office, Room 013, MTC

    What does your role involve?

    Manage enquiries about the application process for the MB ChB programme, any other matters relating to admissions and help prepare/support all admission events. I also assist the Phase 1 Secretary as and when needed and look after Year 1 attendance records.

    What should students contact you about?

    Admission queries

    Attendance queries – we do advise students to view their own attendance records via Tabula

    How can students contact you?

    Email: (general enquiries) (admission enquiries) (Year 1 attendance only)

    In my spare time, I'm an avid tea enthusiast, always on the lookout for new blends and brewing techniques. And traveling and exploring new places around, immersing myself in different cultures and landscapes


    Phase 1 Administrative Lead


    Laura Cranshaw

    Phase I Administrative Lead

    Find me: MTC Room 014

    What should students contact you about?

    Any queries relating to Phase 1 and Admissions. If you are a Phase 1 student unsure of where to go or who to speak to about a query, then I can help, or direct you to the right person/department.

    How can students contact you?

    I work full time Monday – Friday and can be contacted any time between 8.00am - 4.00pm


    Phone: 024 76 572710

    When I’m not at work you can find me….

    Keeping active – running, swimming, cycling and netball!


    Anjula Kang

    Phase I Secretary

    Find me: School Office, Room 013, MTC

    What does your role involve?

    Administration for Phase I (Year 1) of the course and Admissions.

    What should students contact you about?

    Admissions: Queries, Selection Centre, Offer Holders Day, Induction/Enrolment

    Phase I: Welcome Ball, Year 1 teaching, CBL, Absence queries and anything else related to Year 1!!​

    How can students contact you?

    I work full-time 8am-4pm Mon-Thurs, 8am-3pm Fri.

    During lockdown email is the best way to contact me


    Office Phone No: ​024 7657 3815

    When I'm not at work you can find me...?

    Going for walks, cooking and baking, out socialising with family & friends or engrossed in yet another series, courtesy of Netflix!

    CG image

    Dr Clare Garcin

    Block 1 Lead

    Find me: MTC 105

    What does your role involve?

    I work within the Cell and Tissue Biomedicine (CTB) team, teaching and developing resources for Phase I (both lecturing and workshops). I also work with the Assessment Team on assessment development.

    What should students contact you about?

    Any help or support with topics I’ve been involved with teaching, general support, feedback etc!

    How can students contact you?

    I work Monday-Wednesday and am available on

    When I’m not at work you can find me…

    Fending off nursery germs and spending time outdoors!

    Helen Jones

    Dr Helen Strachan-Jones

    Block 2 Lead

    Find me: MTC 105

    What does your role involve?

    I'm responsible for leading Block 2, as well as lecture delivery and group work facilitation throughout Phase 1 (and sometimes even Phase 2!). I'm a Phase 1 personal tutor. I also work with Assessment Team on assessment development.

    What should students contact you about?

    Any help or support with topics I've been involved with teaching; any Block 2 support, issues or feedback; thriving through medical school (I've been there too!); or just a cup of tea and a chat!

    How can students contact you?


    Phone: 024 76522373

    Teams Drop-in: I work full-time Monday-Friday so please just knock on my office door or drop me an email

    When I'm not at work you can find me...

    On the spin bike, reading cookbooks (and sometimes cooking), attempting to garden (why do all my plants die??).


    Dr Erin Fillmore

    Block 4 Lead

    Academic Co-Lead of Clinical Anatomy and Imaging

    Associate Professor of Clinical Anatomy

    Personal Tutor

    Chair of the Medical Education Interest Group (MEIG)

    Find me: Clinical Education Hub (Beehive), MTC 103a, Via Email, MS Teams, walking my 2 Bedlington Terriers, or out running!

    What does your role involve?

    My role centres around creating and delivering anatomical teaching across the MBChB curriculum. This includes giving lectures, running tutorials/seminars, developing assessments, facilitating revision sessions, conducting medical education research in clinical and surgical anatomy, and working one-on-one with students to aid in their anatomical understanding. I am also the Block 4 lead (Locomotion), chair of the Medical Education Interest Group (MEIG), and a personal tutor to Year 1 students.

    What should students contact you about?

    ANY anatomical or medical imaging related query, including how best to approach learning anatomy; how to prep for the USMLE Step 1 or Step 2 (I've taken both!); any Block 4 issues; if you have interest in medical education research (including qualitative methods), or if you just want to have a chat (I have 7 siblings so know how to talk)! All chat topics are welcome, especially if they have to do with: running, dogs, gardening, stonemasonry (yes, I'm a certified stone mason), American football (Go Vikings!), American college basketball (March Madness anyone?), good coffee (Yesssssss), playing the piano, playing the flute (I paid my way through university teaching lessons), traveling, electronic music (Netsky, Max Cooper, Jon Hopkins, Four Tet, Nathan Fake, David August, etc...), contemplating the point of those terrible Jaffa Cake things (bleurgh), or to drool over favourite dishes you like to eat/cook (sushi, saltfish ackee, curry, artisan bread, green papaya salad anyone?)!

    How can students contact you?

    I work full time, Monday – Friday. Please, feel free to email ANYTIME (I'm never far from email), and from there we can arrange a time to chat. Email: 

    When I'm not at work you can find me...

    Well, my Norwegian genes dictate I'm a bit of a giant (reaching nearly 6 ft.) and that, along with my Minnesotan accent ('Oofta!'), makes it hard to hide.

    M Richards

    Dr Mark Richards

    Phase 1 Deputy Co-Lead | Block 3 Lead | Deputy Senior Tutor - Phase 1


    What does your role involve?

    I am a member of the Cell and Tissue Biomedicine (CTB) Team and Block 3 Lead in Phase 1. I am involved in preparing and delivering CTB learning sessions including lectures, workbooks and facilitating groupwork during workshops. You can also find me at some of the CTB drop-in sessions. I am involved in Phase 1 assessment and examinations and a personal tutor to Phase 1 students.

    What should students contact you about?

    I can offer help and support with anything CTB-related, particularly the sessions which I have delivered, I’m happy to address any questions about content, concepts, or guidance on further reading and resources. As Block Lead, I can address any queries or concerns about Block 3, it’s my role to make sure the Block runs as smoothly for students as possible! I am more than happy to lend an ear for general chats about Phase 1 and would be pleased to hear any feedback from students.

    How can students contact you?

    I work full-time Monday-Friday and am available anytime via email: I can be found throughout Phase 1 at CTB drop-ins for CTB Q&A sessions. For one-to-one or small group chats, drop me an email and I’ll arrange a face-to-face meeting on campus or a MS Teams meeting online.

    When I’m not at work you can find me…

    Listening to music, trying to motivate myself to go running, cooking to music, playing footy, going to music gigs, enjoying a pint or two, reading, cycling, watching movies. Normal stuff, really!



    Dr Helen Poulton

    Block 5 lead | Phase 1 Deputy Co-Lead | Senior Teaching Fellow – Clinical Anatomy & Imaging

    Find me: CEF office: MTC 104-106

    What does your role involve?

    • Co-lead for Phase 1 Block 5 'Reproduction and Child Health'
    • My main role is Phase I anatomy facilitation. I also facilitate the occasional CBL / group work session.
    • I am also involved in assessment and exams (Phase I & II).
    • I am a Phase I personal tutor.

    What should students contact you about?

    Happy to help with any anatomy queries – I can find a book or model knocking around to tackle most things!

    I have a background in general surgery, so happy to help with surgical queries/career advice.

    How can students contact you?


    CEF office phone: 02476 574495

    Drop in: CEF office: MTC 104 - 106

    Working hours: Full time

    When I'm not at work you can find me...

    Playing rugby (when we're allowed to / I'm not injured!)

    Baking! (Runner up in the past two WMS bake-offs with my lavender cupcakes & pumpkin pie, & I've recently ventured into sourdough)

    Laura McNally

    Dr Laura McNally

    Clinical Education Fellow (study leave until Feb 2025)

    What does your role involve?

    I teach Clinical Skills to Phase I students. I also help to develop the lesson plans and student resources with my Clinical Skills colleagues.

    What should students contact you about?

    Any queries relating to Clinical Skills teaching. If there is anything you do not understand or would like to review, please feel free to get in touch, I’m always happy to help.

    How can students contact you?

    ​I work part time – Thursdays and Fridays. You’ll find me loitering in the Clinical Skills rooms on these days.

    Otherwise, I’m available via email:

    Please feel free to email me at any time and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

    When I'm not at work you can find me...

    Out and about - spending time with friends and family.
    Attempting to get through my ‘to-do’ list of life.
    Learning Spanish (which is still a work in progress!)

    image of Natalie

    Dr Natalie Keough

    Associate Professor of Clinical Anatomy and Imaging

    Personal tutor (Phase 1)

     Find me: Clinical Education Hub (Beehive); Room 1.18

    What does your role involve?

    I am a member of the Clinical Anatomy and Imaging (CAI) team and am mainly involved in the face-to-face anatomy workshops. Outside of teaching, I also dabble in musculoskeletal research with an Orthopaedic twist, serving as a member of several University committees, and acting as a supervisor for student projects.

    I am also a personal tutor for Phase 1 students.

    What should students contact you about?

    I am always happy to chat about any Clinical Anatomy and Imaging related topics that you feel may be getting the better of you – I am happy to help and guide you where I can. Also, feel free to contact me whenever you may feel the need to check-in or catch-up….my specialities include, but are not limited to, cycling (when the weather is good), running (I love the rain), coffee (a must), cats (yes please), chocolate (might change this for cherry pie), nachos (um…yes…), and forensic anthropology (now that is a conversation that could go on for days).

    How can students contact you?

    I work full-time and spend most of the weekdays at the Clinical Education Hub (CEH) at the Beehive. Email would be the best chance of contacting

    When I’m not at work you can find me….

    In the woods, on the greenway, in the garden, playing games with my kids (and the cat), running/cycling, and/or braaiing (because it is not a BBQ).


    Rukshana Begum​

    Clinical Education Fellow

    Find me: ​On Thursdays and Fridays I will be teaching in the Clinical Education Hub. ​

    What does your role involve?
    Planning and teaching Phase 1 Clinical Skills. ​

    What should students contact you about?
    Anything regarding clinical skills. ​​

    How can students contact you?
    I work Thursday and Fridays​. Email me at:

    When I'm not at work you can find me...
    Working as a GP or running after my two toddlers!

    Crispin Wiles

    Dr Crispin Wiles

    Assistant Professor of Clinical Anatomy & Imaging

    MBChB Admissions Deputy
    Personal Tutor

    Find me: Clinical Education Hub (Beehive) or MTC 103a

    What does your role involve?

    I’m involved in the delivery and development of the Clinical Anatomy & Imaging (CAI) curriculum, especially for Phase 1, so you’ll mainly see me in CAI workshops.

    I am also a personal tutor for Phase 1.

    What should students contact you about?

    I’m always happy to chat about any anatomy or imaging-related query, or science/medicine and education more generally.

    If there’s something you’re struggling with, or are interested in, drop in. Tea (limitless) and biscuits (limited) available as needed.

    How can students contact you?


    Office phone: 024 761 50406

    Just send me an email any time. I work full time Monday to Friday.

    When I'm not at work you can find me...

    Playing at home with my son Orri, hiking or camping with my family, peering at mushrooms or insects, or remonstrating with our dog Pancake for having eaten a five days of food in a single sitting.

    Hosam Image

    Dr Hosam Eldeen Elsadig Gasmalla Mohammed

    Assistant Professor of Clinical Anatomy and Imaging

    Personal tutor

    Find me: Monday: MTC 103a; Tuesday through Friday: at the Clinical Education Hub (Beehive).

    What does your role involve?

    As a member of the Clinical Anatomy & Imaging (CAI) team, you'll encounter me facilitating engaging workshops.

    I also facilitate CBL group sessions.

    Beyond the classroom, I wear the hat of a personal tutor for Phase 1 students.

    What should students contact you about?

    I'm always available to chat about any anatomy or medical imaging-related queries you may have.

    I'm interested in medical education research as well.

    How can students contact you?


    Alternatively, you're welcome to send me a message or give me a call on Microsoft Teams. I am working Monday through Friday.

    When I'm not at work you can find me...

    Definitely on a plane, visiting family in my home country. But if I am in the UK, you would find me listening to podcasts while walking. Or stuck browsing through streaming services looking for a film or a series.