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Meet our Phase II Team


Professor Lanre Sorinola

Academic Lead for Phase II

What does your role involve?

I am responsible for learning, teaching, assessment and support for students in Phase II MBChB. I have oversight of the learning experience and curriculum in Phase II. I work closely with NHS Trust partners and GPs to ensure all our students have a great learning experience during their clinical placements. I am also Chair of the WMS Attainment Gap Group ensuring all our students achieve their potential. In my clinical role, I work as a Consultant Gynaecologist at SWFT.

What should students contact you about?

Any Phase II related academic issues and queries. I am always interested to hear and get feedback from students about all aspects of Phase II, whether related to WMS or Trust / GP clinical placements.

Ethnic Minority Attainment Gap issues and EDI concerns.

Medical education research / projects

How can students contact you?

I’m at WMS Tuesday – Friday and always happy to speak to students so please pop into my office (MTC 022)


I also have bookable slots for student appointments usually on Phase II academic days. This can be booked through my PA Emma Sweenie-Fuller (

When I'm not at work you can find me...?

Cycling … followed by hot tub (or should I say swimming!) otherwise I am probably busy enjoying a show in a theatre somewhere.

Emma Hall

Emma Hall

Phase II Administrative Lead

What does your role involve?

I look after year 2 of the course. I deal with student queries and liaise with our NHS Partners regarding student placements and the Phase II curriculum as a whole.

What should students contact you about?

Anything to do with overarching Phase II issues. If students have any timetabling queries or personal issues they need to make us aware of which will impact placements.

How can students contact you?


Phone: 02476 150898

My working days are Monday- Wednesday.


Emma Sweenie-Fuller

Phase II/GP Administrative Lead

What does your role involve?

  • I look after the Year 2 of the course. I deal with student queries and the Phase II Curriculum.
  • I am the main administrative support for Year 2 & Year 3 GP allocations. I process the invoice payments to all GP practices. I work closely with practice managers and GPs.

What should students contact you about?

Absences, GP placements, general information regarding phase II.

How can students contact you?


Phone: 02476 574044


Jane Cardew

Phase II Assistant

What does your role involve?

I provide admin support for student absences, NHS Bursary claims and any student enquiries. Liaising with GP surgeries. Recording of Tdocs

What should students contact you about?

Anything to do with Absences, NHS Bursary claims, general information regarding phase II.

How can students contact you?


Phone: 02476 574761

Judy Perkis

Dr Judy Purkis

Deputy Senior Tutor

What does your role involve?

I have a 50% role at WMS within which I am a deputy senior tutor (DST) so I lead and support the year two pastoral care within the student support team. I also co-lead year one block 5 reproduction and child health. I can always be distracted talking anything women's health or childbirth related, baby photos also welcome anytime. I am also interested in patient engagement and authenticity in teaching and learning.

What should students contact you about?

  • Any pastoral, personal or professional issue that feels important to you. Life has a strange way of continuing outside this course whether we like it or not and I am happy to walk through the good times with you and maybe some of the not so good too.
  • Anything related to Block 5 in year 1.

How can students contact you?


Phone: 02476 151145

Pop in - Office number 112 MTC. My usual working days are Wednesdays and Thursdays and every other Friday when there are year 2 academic days. Always happy to go for a walk/talk/coffee when we can.

When I'm not at work you can find me...?

Usually on two wheels. I love my cycling and am often to be found out and about in Warwickshire I also know more than seems sensible about classic motorbikes and current Moto GP. I ride either my Ridley Helium, preferably up big mountains or my Kawasaki z300 preferably on quiet lanes. I read almost anything I can find and am recently working my way through Harry Potter with my 14 year old niece. I enjoy baking, mostly for other people and I passionately believe in continuing to learn, I'm still hoping to learn to crochet one day. I aspire to teach and model the perpetual skill of striking a health life/work balance.

H Draper

Prof Heather Draper

Academic Lead for Values, Law & Ethics (VLE)

Find me: A1.22, Medical School Building

What does your role involve?

I teach VLE in phases 1 & 2, and ethics on other non-MBChB courses around WMS. I also carry out funded research on ethics, for instance in transplantation/donation, clinical research and health technology. My latest project, however, is looking at post-covid recovery and the impact of the pandemic on 'everyday' clinical ethics in maternity and paediatric services.

What should students contact you about?

Anything related to VLE phase 2, or general chat about ethical issues

How can students contact you?


When I'm not at work you can find me...?

At the gym doing combat, step, pump or spin; or with family or failing that try the allotment.


Dr Birgit Fruhstorfer

Academic Lead for SSC and Elective

What does your role involve?

I am responsible for the SSC programme, which Includes SSC 1, SSC 2 and the Elective. I am also Lead for the SSC 1 Block Option in Global Health. I have an interest in global health education and research skills development.

What should students contact you about?

Any queries and issues relating to SSC 1, SSC 2 and Elective, or some general advice on medical education research and global health projects.

How can students contact you?


When I'm not at work you can find me...?

Running, cooking and trying out some new recipes.


Dr Simon Jenkins

Associate Professor,

Values, Law & Ethics (VLE)

Find me: A-022, Medical School Building

What does your role involve?

I am Phase 2 lead for the Values, Law and Ethics theme.

What should students contact you about?

All things Phase 2 VLE! I also love to discuss my research work, and ethical questions in general.

How can students contact you?

I usually work from home, so contact me on Teams or email me.


When I'm not at work you can find me...?

Exploring the hills, forests, coastlines, and pubs of Britain, going to gigs, or playing computer games. I’m also really into fiction (both reading and writing it).

Helen Gabathuler

Dr Helen Gabathuler

Academic Lead for General Practice

Find me: Med School Building (Tuesday and Thursday) or via email

What does your role involve?

My role centres around managing the GP placements across both Phase II and Phase III. This involves management of the delivery of the GP course across the curriculum including organising the training of the community GP tutors, engaging new practices when needed and ensuring quality standards are maintained in both the community and in house teaching the students receive.

What should students contact you about?

Any queries regarding GP placements – whether the in-house teaching or the GP practice or if you would like to explore ideas around research in General Practice or Medical Education. I am also keen to help students explore GP as a career.

How can students contact you?

As my role often takes me off campus it is best to email: to book a time slot.

Dr Louise Davis

Dr Louise Davis

Academic Lead for CBL

Chair of Course Progress Group

Find me: Room 017 Medical Teaching Centre

What does your role involve?

Leading on all aspects of CBL and more! The Course Progress Group is there to support students to stay on track to complete their course and consider any mitigation submitted for exams.

What should students contact you about?

Always happy to have a chat with students on anything course related, or not!

How can students contact you?

Knock on the door! or on Teams (using the chat) or Email

When I'm not at work you can find me...

On Wednesdays (usually) I work as an assessing GP for the British Association of Performing Arts Medicine or as a bank GP for a community hospital.

Before work or at weekends I usually head outside…I love observing and taking photos of wildlife - see if you can spot any in CBL or lecture slides! My other great love is classical music and I sing with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Chorus.​

A Attwater

Dr Amy Attwater

Senior Clinical Teaching Fellow

Find me: MD1.03b (office before computer room)

What does your role involve?

My role involves responsibilities related to learning, teaching, assessment and support for students in Phase II. In particular, I have responsibility for the CCE part of Phase II, which includes the medicine, surgery and specialties blocks. I also assist with academic day and case-based learning. In my clinical role, I work as an emergency medicine registrar.

How can students contact you?

Students can contact me on or through Teams.

When I'm not at work you can find me...

Curling up with a book (usually psychological thrillers) and fussing my cats. Or chasing my toddler around!

jane brandist

Jane Brandist

Phase II Secretary

Find me: School Office, Medical Teaching Centre

What does your role involve?

I provide administrative support to ensure the smooth delivery of teaching sessions. i.e. I make sure that everyone has the correct room, facilitator and resources. I also look after Lanre’s diary and arrange meetings.


What should students contact you about?

Any general Phase II query or queries regarding your timetabled sessions and/or your rooming. If you want to arrange a meeting with Lanre, please contact me.


How can students contact you?


When I'm not at work you can find me...?

Playing with our fostered guide dog, on my allotment or in my garden!

Dr Eloise Powell

Clinical Education Fellow
Deputy Senior Tutor Phase 2

Find me: CEF office, MTC 104 - 106

What does your role involve?

  • Facilitating in anatomy, groupwork and CBL across Phase I, II and III.
  • Phase I Deputy Senior Tutor
  • I am also involved in assessment and exams.
  • Member of the Attainment Gap Working Group

What should students contact you about?

  • For any support involving personal or professional issues which impact on your studies. My aim is to support you as best I can during your time at medical school.
  • Pastoral support
  • Help with Phase I
  • If you want to just generally chat with tea and biscuits and/or cake. Or to discuss any kind of adventure/sport: I have a particular love of anything two wheeled, as well as running, hiking, yoga, skiing, snowboarding, horse-riding…
  • Literature – I absolutely love reading and I am officially banned from Amazon when I’ve had a glass of wine or two (hello future library). If you have recommendations, I want them….

How can students contact you? 

Drop in: CEF office MTC 104-106. Microsoft Teams: Drop me a message anytime and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can .

Working hours: full-time

When I'm not at work you can find me...

Getting lost somewhere or in a bakery….

kath hunt image

Dr Kath Hunt

Senior Clinical Tutor

Find me: MD1.03b (office before computer room)

What does your role involve?

My role involves responsibilities related to learning, teaching assessment and support for students in Phase II. In particular, I have responsibility for the Academic blocks of Phase II. I also assist in some of the groupwork teaching sessions. I gave up my clinical role as a GP in December 2022, after 25 years of clinical work so I am now fully emersed in WMS!

What should students contact you about?

How can students contact you?


When I'm not at work you can find me...?

Walking or going for a run in the countryside. Catching up with friends (or anyone who says yes) for cake and coffee!