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Theme Leads

Professor Richard Tunstall

Academic Co-lead for Clinical Anatomy & Imaging (WMS), Academic Lead for MBChB Admissions, Applied surgical anatomy lead (Royal College of Surgeons)

What does your role involve?

I am responsible for all aspects of clinical anatomy and medical imaging education, assessment and research at the University of Warwick and the West Midlands Surgical Training Centre (UHCW), and am the lead for MBChB admissions. For one day of each week (normally Monday) I work for the Royal College of Surgeons as the Lead for Applied Surgical Anatomy. Outside of the university, I am an MRCS OSCE examiner for the Royal College of Surgeons and co-chair of the Clinical Anatomical Terminology Committee for the American Association of Clinical Anatomists. I am also heavily involved in the authoring and editing a range of clinical anatomy textbooks and sit on the editorial board of the journal Clinical Anatomy.

What should students contact you about?

Any query or conversation related to education, assessment or research in clinical anatomy, surface anatomy or medical imaging. General advice on learning theory, learning process and best practice learning techniques. When at work my door (or MS Teams chat) is always open and I'm happy to chat about most things (except skiing..!) – feel free to get in touch.

How can students contact you?


MTC 103a

MS Teams Chat

When I'm not at work you can find me...

Brewing beer, reading about the science of brewing, travelling (I have an (unhealthy?) obsession with Asia), examining or teaching overseas, in the garden growing vegetables, tinkering with a DIY project at home.

Erin Fillmore

Dr Erin Fillmore

Academic Co-lead for Clinical Anatomy & Imaging (WMS), Block 4 Lead, Associate Professor of Clinical Anatomy, Personal Tutor and Chair of the Medical Education Interest Group (MEIG)

What does your role involve?

My role centres around creating and delivering anatomical teaching across the MBChB curriculum. This includes giving lectures, running tutorials/seminars, developing assessments, facilitating revision sessions, conducting medical education research in clinical and surgical anatomy, and working one-on-one with students to aid in their anatomical understanding. I am also the Block 4 lead (Locomotion), chair of the Medical Education Interest Group (MEIG), and a personal tutor to Year 1 students.

What should students contact you about?

ANY anatomical or medical imaging related query, including how best to approach learning anatomy; how to prep for the USMLE Step 1 or Step 2 (I've taken both!); any Block 4 issues; if you have interest in medical education research (including qualitative methods), or if you just want to have a chat (I have 7 siblings so know how to talk)! All chat topics are welcome, especially if they have to do with: running, dogs, gardening, stonemasonry (yes, I'm a certified stone mason), American football (Go Vikings!), American college basketball (March Madness anyone?), good coffee (Yesssssss), playing the piano, playing the flute (I paid my way through university teaching lessons), traveling, electronic music (Netsky, Max Cooper, Jon Hopkins, Four Tet, Nathan Fake, David August, etc...), contemplating the point of those terrible Jaffa Cake things (bleurgh), or to drool over favourite dishes you like to eat/cook (sushi, saltfish ackee, curry, artisan bread, green papaya salad anyone?)!

How can students contact you?

Come to my office in the Clinical Education Hub (Beehive) or MTC 103a

MS Teams Chat

I work full time, Monday – Friday. Please, feel free to email ANYTIME (I'm never far from email), and from there we can arrange a time to chat. Email: 

When I'm not at work you can find me...

My Norwegian genes dictate I'm a bit of a giant (reaching nearly 6 ft.) and that, along with my Minnesotan accent ('Oofta!'), makes it hard to hide....but if not on campus, I may be walking my 2 Bedlington Terriers, have my hands in the garden soil, getting lost in a good book, or am out running!

Vinod Patel

Professor Vinod Patel

Academic Lead for Clinical Skills Theme, Chair of Clinical Assessment Sub-Group

What does your role involve?

I am responsible for delivery the Clinical Skills Curriculum in partnership with a large number of colleagues at WMS and in the local education providers in the hospitals and other clinical settings. The Practical Procedures mandated in GMC's Outcomes for Graduates are delivered under this role as well. I have an active role in all Clinical Assessments and specifically for Year 1 OSCEs. I lead on a SSC on Medical Humanities centred on the book Middlemarch by George Eliot. I am also the Course Director for the Masters in Diabetes Care at WMS.

My Clinical Duties are at the George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust.

What should students contact you about?

Any issues in relation to Clinical Skills teaching and resources. I welcome informal meetings with groups or individual students. I am also, with students, working on a local Clinical Journal. Anyone interested in contributing or helping should contact me.

How can students contact you?

Email me ( with a copy to my secretary Jo ( I am usually at WMS on Tuesdays and Wednesday morning.

When I'm not at work you can find me...

Planting or attending trees in a field, admiring my bees, traveling- (unlikely now!)

Dan Mitchell

Dr Daniel Mitchell

Academic Lead for Pharmacology, Prescribing & Therapeutics Theme

What does your role involve?

As Academic Lead for the PPT Theme, I oversee all of the Pharmacology, Prescribing and Therapeutics material in the MBChB, including the PPT component of the MBChB Assessments. Within Phase I, I deliver material in Learning Medicine Week (“Introduction to Pharmacology”) and also material covering the Pharmacology of Airway Disease and Cardiovascular Disease as part of the Blood, Lungs and Heart teaching within Block 2. Also, for each Phase of the MBChB course, I compile the Drugs Lists, which are designed to guide students through the common and important drugs that are encountered during the course and medicine at large.

I am also involved in the Practical Prescribing programme within the Phase III, which involves a team of Pharmacists & Consultants at UHCW and across the regional NHS Trusts. This is delivered during the Phase III Academic Days and is integrated with other learning resources to help students prepare for life as a doctor administering important drugs safely and also the Final Year Prescribing Exams.

What should students contact you about?

Please get in touch with queries about Pharmacology content within the MBChB curriculum, including the Drugs Lists. I can also answer questions about the Final Year Prescribing Exams, which are the Warwick Prescribing Assessment (WPA) and national Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA).

How can students contact you?

I am always available via email at

In addition, I am available for one-to-one or small group slots via Microsoft Teams. Please contact me via email or Teams chat to set up a meeting.

Image of Nahid Ahmad

Dr Nahid Ahmed

Academic Lead for Personal & Professional Development Theme

What does your role involve?

I’m the academic lead for the Personal and Professional Development (PPD) theme and oversee the PPD content throughout the MBChB course. I oversee the teaching and learning that will help you to develop a set of core values, behaviours, and relationships that underpins the trust the public has in doctors.

I am also responsible for the E-Portfolio. This is an electronic tool for students to store and record a collection of evidence that demonstrates their learning achievements and abilities. It provides an authentic preparation for being a junior doctor.

What should students contact you about?

Get in touch with me if you have any queries about the PPD content within the MBChB curriculum, or the E-Portfolio.

How can students contact you?

I work Monday - Wednesdays, and the quickest way to reach me is via email –

If you would like to meet me in person, either face-to-face or online, please email me to arrange an appointment.

Lindsay Muscroft

Dr Lindsay Muscroft

Deputy Academic Lead for Clinical Skills

Find me: Room 022, Medical Teaching Centre

What does your role involve?

I am the Deputy Academic Lead for Clinical Skills. I also organise the WMS community group: a group of patients keen to get involved in teaching and I am the co-chair of MERC (the Medical Education Research Community).

What should students contact you about?

I'm also a GP and work at Myton Hospice. I'm interested in palliative care, medical education research and patient involvement in medical education. I did the academic foundation programme and an academic clinical fellowship in medical education, and I also went to Warwick Medical School so happy to chat about any of this!

How can students contact you?


Phone: X28933

When I'm not at work you can find me...?

Baking or having a family disco with my 7 year old daughter and 2 year old son!

Saran Shantikumar

Co-Theme Lead for Social and Population Perspectives (SocPop) - the Population 'Pop' theme

Find me:

What does your role involve?


What should students contact you about?

Any Pop related queries.

How can students contact you?

When I'm not at work you can find me...

Photo of Beck

Dr Beck Taylor

Co-Theme Lead for Social and Population Perspective (SocPop) - the 'Soc' of the Theme

Find me: Room A101 at WMS when on Campus (office days vary)

What does your role involve?

Social and Population Perspectives: SocPop, is one of the seven themes that run throughout the 4 years of the MBChB, and my role involves coordinating, facilitating, delivering and assessing the SOC teaching and learning elements of the SocPop theme.

Answering any student questions on Soc.

What should students contact you about?

Tell me what we could do better!

Any questions, queries or help re: SOC that you don’t want to post on Moodle.

How can students contact you?


When I'm not at work you can find me...

Getting out into green spaces, cooking/eating something delicious (preferably at the same time).

Greg Morlock

Dr Greg Moorlock

Academic Lead for Values, Law & Ethics

Find me: A006, Medical School Building

What does your role involve?

I spend most of my time teaching VLE, thinking about teaching VLE, or talking about teaching VLE. I'm also a personal tutor for Phase 1 students. I do some research too, primarily in relation to organ donation and transplantation.

What should students contact you about?

Anything related to the VLE theme, especially issues relating to Phase 1 of VLE;

Mind-blowingly intellectual ethical discussion;

I particularly welcome anyone willing to give me Maltesers.

How can students contact you?


Phone: 024 76151592

When I'm not at work you can find me...

You can't. I'll be hiding from you and I'm very good at hiding.

Dr Louise Davis

Dr Louise Davis

Academic Lead for CBL

Chair of Course Progress Group

Find me: Room 017 Medical Teaching Centre

What does your role involve?

Leading on all aspects of CBL and more! The Course Progress Group is there to support students to stay on track to complete their course and consider any mitigation submitted for exams.

What should students contact you about?

Always happy to have a chat with students on anything CBL or generally course related, or not!

How can students contact you?

Knock on the door! or on Teams (using the chat) or Email opens in a new window.

When I'm not at work you can find me...

On Wednesdays (usually) I work as an assessing GP for the British Association of Performing Arts Medicine or as a bank GP for a community hospital.

Usually outside…watching wildlife -some of my favourites might appear in slides! Otherwise I am rehearsing or performing with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Chorus or spending time with my family.

Kerry Brown

Dr Kerry Brown

Communication and Lived Experience Co-Lead

What does your role involve?

Plan the teaching of, and teach communication skills throughout the course

What should students contact you about?

Issues around communication skills.

How can students contact you?


Drop in (CEF office Room 113 MTC)


Michele Gutteridge

Communication and Lived Experience Co-Lead

What does your role involve?

Selecting training and maintaining our simulator team .Working with our CommUnity group to bring their health experiences into all aspects of my work .Developing Virtual Reality resources to enhance communication training Working closely with Kerry on Communication elements across the curriculum.

What should students contact you about?

Any Communication and or simulation questions / experiences

How can students contact you?


When I'm not at work you can find me...

In the garden digging ,watching and or directing theatre , singing or playing with my grandson.​

Nicholas Hopcroft

Dr Nicholas Hopcroft

Academic Lead for Cell & Tissue Biomedicine Theme

Find me: A035 (MSB)

What does your role involve?

I have overall responsibility for teaching and assessment across the range of disciplines within the Cell and Tissue Biomedicine theme. This involves leading a small team of core MBChB teaching staff and working with clinicians and researchers who act as occasional lecturers. I also have direct responsibility for organising the Health, Metabolism and Homeostasis block in Phase 1. I supervise education research projects carried out by MBChB students during SSC2 and MMedEd students for their Professional Project. I am also a member of the WMS Education Committee and chair its sub-committee for approval of undergraduate modules.

What should students contact you about?

Please contact me with queries about Cell and Tissue Biomedicine content, particularly during Block 1. I can also help with organisational aspects of Block 1, support for education research projects and advice about scientific research.

How can students contact you?


When I'm not at work you can find me...

I'm a Deputy Warden in Sherbourne Hall, so I spend some of my time disciplining naughty Freshers. I like watching Formula 1 motor racing, old comedies or sci-fi films, whilst drinking lots of tea or cider, depending on the time of day. I don't do a lot of baking or gardening.

JS image

Dr Jackie Shanley

Academic Lead for Community Learning

 What does your role involve?

I’m the academic lead for the Community Learning Theme and oversee community placements during Phase I and Phase II of the MBChB course. I work closely with our community tutors to ensure that students’ learning in the community aligns well to university learning and is both valuable and relevant, encompassing a broad range of clinical experiences.

I also lead one of the SSC1 Block Options: Exploring Inequalities in Health and Wellbeing for Underserved Communities. This option offers students a unique opportunity to volunteer in the community, supporting people from marginalised groups.

What should students contact you about?

Get in touch with me if you have any queries about community learning.

How can students contact you?

I work Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and you can find me in my office in the Medical School Building - A0.06

The quickest way to reach me is via email –

When I'm not at work you can find me....

Pottering in my garden or walking in the countryside – I’m a fan of the outdoors and a great advocate for its therapeutic value.