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University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust

The major regional hospital- University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (UHCW) opened its state of the art building at Walsgrave, Coventry in 2006 and is one of our key partners.

The trust is responsible for managing two major hospitals in Coventry and Warwickshire, which between them serve a population of over a million people. We work in close partnership with UHCW to develop innovative medical education programmes and clinical research.

Amongst the new equipment at the hospital is a PET CT scanner for use in cancer diagnosis and treatment. Costing £1.6 million, the PET CT scanner is amongst only a handful of its kind in the UK.

We have new equipment to teach clinical skills at UHCW, including a life-size talking dummy called Sim Man.

In 2009, our surgical training centre opened. This state of the art facility provides the ideal environment for our students to learn operative techniques on cadaveric material in realistic operating theatres.

More facilities offered by the Clinical Sciences Building (CSB) at UHCW:

  • Conference Centre: one of the largest and most modern healthcare education centres in Europe
  • Lecture theatre: a 250 seat modern facility, IT enabled at each seat position
  • Seminar rooms with IT links to main lecture theatre and key locations within the hospital
  • Learning resources in a modern library setting with IT connections for over 250 laptops
  • State of the art Clinical Simulation Centre and Clinical Skills Wing
  • Research laboratories
  • Library: awarded a full Grade 3 accreditation following the visit from the NHS Library Accreditation team. Stage three is only awarded to library services that exhibit "significant evidence of excellence and innovation"