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Health and Safety - Hazards

The hazards listed in the table below are organised based on the QuEMIS hazard grid. The Health & Safety Services office can provide more information on hazard identification and the use of the QuEMIS hazard module.

Health and Safety Services Webpage

An important source of health and safety information for each laboratory is the lab noticeboard, posted by the entrance. This contains the basic lab rules (including appropriate PPE to be worn), the principal hazards which are present and the name(s) of those having responsibility for the area. The noticeboard should be consulted for advice before entering the area.

Lab noticeboard templates can be downloaded under the header 'University Links' here.

Advice about the suitable PPE is available from the Health & Safety Officer or from the University Health & Safety Services office.

Hazards Requiring Health Monitoring

There are hazards where there is a requirement, in certain circumstances, to provide health surveillance to persons who are exposed to the hazard in their work. For further information refer to the University Occupational Health web pages

Chemical storage information
COSHH Assessments - Links to templates and guidance on how to undertake a chemical risk assessment.
If you intend to work with asphyxiating gases in a laboratory or workshop then you must risk assess this activity and complete a oxygen depletion calculation. This is available to download from the H&S Services webpages here.
Following completing this calculation if there is a risk of asphyxiation then a oxygen depletion monitoring device must be present before the activity/task can begin. If one is not installed in the lab/workshop you are working in please contact the Health and Safety Officer.
Lasers and Radiation
Any work with class 3B/4 lasers, UV sources and ionising radiation (sealed and unsealed) must follow the procedures as detailed in the above webpages.
Local department procedures and contact details of staff members (Radiation Protection Supervisors & Laser Safety Officers) can be found under the H&S administration webpage.