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Higgs Boson Physics


Not running in 2023/24

Convenor: Kostas Nikolopoulos

Module Code: HP (PP7)

Duration: 5 weeks (10 hours)

Module Description

To provide an introduction to the phenomenology of the Higgs boson and the relevant experimental results and techniques. Emphasis will be given to the Standard Model case, while some elements of beyond the Standard Model Higgs boson phenomenology and searches will be introduced. The prospects of Higgs boson studies and searches in future machines will be also discussed.

Specialized and intended for high energy physics students.


Introduction to the Classical Theory of Fields and demonstration of spontaneous symmetry breaking; Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking in the Standard Model; Phenomenology of the Standard Model Higgs boson; The Global Electro-Weak fit; Searches for the Higgs boson (pre-LEP, LEP and Tevatron); Higgs boson at the LHC (Discovery, property studies and prospects for HL-LHC); Higgs boson studies at future accelerators; Elements of beyond the Standard Model Higgs boson phenomenology

The lecture notes and the homework assignments can be found here.