Physics Department News
Warwick astrophysicist awarded George Darwin Lectureship by the Royal Astronomical Society
Astrophysicist Dimitri Veras of The University of Warwick has been awarded the prestigious George Darwin Lectureship by the Royal Astronomical Society.
Reza Kashtiban Awarded FHEA (Fellow of Higher Education Academy) Teaching Recognition
Reza Kashtiban has been conferred the Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA/Advance HE)Link opens in a new window through the Academic and Professional Pathway for Experienced staff.
Luke Smith awarded György Striker award for best paper at the IMEKO World Conference.
Luke Smith, final year PhD student in the Ultrasonic Group was announced as the winner of the György Striker award for best paper from someone under 35 years old, at the 2024 IMEKO World Conference.
New Head of Condensed Matter Physics Group
As of 1 October, 2024 Professor Ana Sanchez will undertake the role of Head of Condensed Matter Physics group in the Department of Physics.