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Congratulations to Helen Knight who has been appointed as the Co-Chair for the Warwick Stonewall Self-Assessment Team

Warwick is a Stonewall Diversity Champion and has submitted to the UK Workplace Equality Index for a number of years. In the 2020 Index we ranked 123 out of 500 institutions, and we aspire to be in the top 100. Helen, CDT & PGT Administrative Officer has been appointed as the Co-Chair the Warwick Stonewall Self-Assessment Team. This team was set up in 2020 to develop and deliver an action plan informed by Stonewell’s feedback on our previous submission, gather evidence of good practise from across the University and help put the next submission together.

This team works closely with the team from Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is made up of colleagues from across the University community.

"I became a member of the Rainbow Taskforce in 2020 and joined the Stonewall SAT shortly afterwards. I am passionate about equality, and very keen to make a difference and especially by helping people who do not know where to begin when looking for support or those who need a voice. I am very proud to work for an organisation which supports diversity and inclusion, and makes me feel welcome and safe as a member of the LGBTQUA+ community. I am very fortunate, and not many people are in such a position as I am in their workplace, so I feel it is important to give back and why I am so excited to make a contribution to this area."

Wed 16 Feb 2022, 10:15

Scientist Experience open for Year 12 female students

Launched in 2015, the XMaS Scientist Experience is a national competition for Year 12 UK identifying as female students to win an all expenses paid for 4 day trip to the ESRF in Grenoble. The Scientist Experience encourages students to consider science careers, foster a sense of community, and encourage self-belief.

Find out more about the Scientist Experience.

Watch the video from a previous visit.

Mon 14 Feb 2022, 14:51 | Tags: Feature News, announcements

Tiny electrical vortexes bridge gap between ferroelectric and ferromagnetic materials

Detailed in a new study for the journal Nature, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), part of UK Research and Innovation, and the Royal Society, the results give the first evidence of a process in ferroelectric materials comparable to the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction in ferromagnets. This particular interaction plays a pivotal role in stabilising topological magnetic structures, such as skyrmions, and it might be crucial for potential new electronic technologies exploiting their electrical analogues.

Read more about the discovery.

Thu 10 Feb 2022, 08:56

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