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Solid state NMR shows how a wood modification boosts biomass conversion

Professor Ray Dupree, Dr Rosalie Cresswell and Dr Dinu Iuga are co-authors of a recently published paper in Nature Plants titled ‘Ectopic callose deposition into woody biomass modulates the nano-architecture of macrofibrils’.


Tue 10 Oct 2023, 15:16 | Tags: Feature News, Research, Faculty of Science

Dr Farzana Meru appointed as a member of the University Gender Taskforce

Dr Farzana Meru has recently been appointed as a member of the University Gender Taskforce.

Farzana was invited by the Gender Taskforce (GTF) to become a member due to her knowledge and expertise on gender related issues.

The Gender Taskforce champions and oversees the advancement, implementation, and further development of gender equality at institutional level in line with the Gender Statement of Intent catalysed by the Women in Academia workshops and reports to the university social inclusion committee.

Farzana tells us about why she accepted the invitation to become a member:

“I have always been interested in gender issues within Physics and STEM. I have also personally experienced (negative) gender related issues as a female Physicist and have mentored others through their challenges too. I am keen to use my experience that I have gained – both lived and through operational activities that I have been part of – to enable positive gender-related initiatives at the university’s strategic level.”

Tue 19 Sep 2023, 09:22 | Tags: announcements, Staff and Department, Faculty of Science

Open Day registration is now open

If you, or someone you know are interested in studying one of our undergraduate courses the registration for our October open days is now open. Our Open Days consist of talks and tours of the department by our academics and current students, as well as demonstrations throughout the day. When visiting, you will also get the chance to take tours of the University campus, find out about societies and sports club as well as accommodation and on-campus facilities.

You can find out more about our courses on our admissions pages or register for an open day.

Fri 08 Sep 2023, 14:00 | Tags: Feature News

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