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Warwick hosts the inaugural meeting of the newly founded UK and Ireland Astrophysical Discs community

A new community of academics researching various astrophysical discs came together at their first launch meeting at the University of Warwick in September. Spearheaded by Warwick astrophysicists, the UK & Ireland Discs community has been set up to foster close connections and collaborations between the many researchers working on astrophysical discs.

Wed 06 Nov 2024, 09:20 | Tags: announcements, Faculty of Science, Research

Real-space renormalisation approach to the Chalker-Coddington model revisited: improved statistics

PhD student Syl Shaw and supervisor Rudo Roemer apply the real-space renormalisation group method to the Chalker–Coddington model of the quantum Hall transition. This approach provides a convenient numerical estimation of the localisation critical exponent, ν. Previous such studies found ν=2.39 which falls considerably short of the current best estimates by transfer matrix (2.593) and exact-diagonalisation studies (2.58). By increasing the amount of data 500 fold they can now measure closer to the critical point and find an improved estimate 2.51. This deviates only 3% from the previous two values and is already better than the 7% accuracy of the classical small-cell renormalisation approach from which their method is adapted.

Sat 14 Sept 2024, 00:00 | Tags: Postgraduates, Research

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