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Sandra Chapman awarded Ed Lorenz Lecture at the 2020 Fall AGU Meeting

Professor Sandra Chapman (CFSA) awarded the 2020 Ed Lorenz Lecture for the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) – which will be one of the world’s largest virtual scientific conferences [1-17 December 2020]. The Ed Lorenz Lecture is given on topics in non-linear physics across all for space and geophysics. Lecture will explore how advances in fundamental physics can help quantify space weather risk.

Thu 01 Oct 2020, 14:05 | Tags: Feature News, Press, Research, Staff and Department, Awards

Pam Thomas appointed as CEO of Faraday Institution

Professor Pam Thomas, PVC (Research) and leader of the Ferroelectrics and Crystallography group in the Department of Physics, has been announced as CEO of the Faraday Institution (FI), the research arm of the UK’s £289m national battery challenge, following on from her 30 years as a member of academic staff at Warwick.

A founding member of the Board of Trustees at the FI since 2018, Pam is passionate about addressing the challenges faced by the wider energy storage ecosystem and the UK’s quest towards Net Zero.

Fri 25 Sep 2020, 15:08 | Tags: Press, Staff and Department

X-ray analysis of artefacts from Henry VIII’s warship, the Mary Rose, sheds new light on their construction and conservation

X-ray analysis of artefacts from Henry VIII’s warship, the Mary Rose, sheds new light on their construction and conservation. The team included Emeritus Prof Mark Dowsett, his partners in Ghent and used XRD facilities in the Warwick RTP as well as the XMaS beamline. The paper is published in the Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, DOI: /10.1107/S1600577520001812

Mary Rose

Thu 30 Apr 2020, 14:19 | Tags: Press, Research

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