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Undergraduate Study

James Lloyd-HughesPhysics is a fun, rewarding topic that is full of deep ideas and fascinating concepts. Studying physics also develops analytical, practical and IT skills and leads to great employment opportunities in many sectors.

Our Physics course offers the opportunity to study modules from all areas of physics, while Physics with Astrophysics includes bespoke labs and research projects focused on astrophysics. The other main entry stream, Mathematics and Physics, is taught jointly with the Warwick Mathematics Institute, and features the core of both disciplines for the first two years, before allowing students to specialise more in their final year(s). On all courses, you can broaden your studies by choosing modules from other departments at Warwick, such as on our Physics with Business and Management pathway.

Undergraduates are the core of our department and we are proud that levels of student satisfaction and achievement are high for our students. We encourage you to look at the independent evaluations, which are available from discoveruni.

James Lloyd-Hughes
Admissions Tutor

Open Days

Deciding where to apply for 2026? Come find out more at our June 14th or June 21st Open DaysLink opens in a new window. We also run Offer Holder Open Days from December onwards for students holding an offer of a place.

Online Live Chats

Can't make it in-person? Chat online with our Physics students and staff to answer your questions about our undergraduate courses. The next live chat is at 4pm on Weds 5th March.Link opens in a new window

Course HandbookLink opens in a new window

At Warwick our modular degrees allow you to tailor your degree to your interests. See exactly what our current students are studying at the Course HandbookLink opens in a new window, or check out the full list of modulesLink opens in a new window on offer.

General Enquiries

Admissions Secretary
T: +44 (0)24 765 74768

James Lloyd-Hughes, Admissions Tutor

Studying Physics, Danny Steeghs