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Two European Research Council funding grants secured

Congratulations to Dr Rebecca Milot and Dr Matt Kenzie who have both secured European Research Council Starting Grants, following the first call for proposals under the EU's new R&I programme, Horizon Europe.

Dr Rebecca Milot has been awarded €2,473,363 to investigate one of the most promising new materials for solar energy conversion, metal halide perovskites.

Dr Matt Kenzie's award of €1,490,202 will aim to enhance our understanding of the physics underpinning the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe, which is fundamental in explaining how our universe arrived at its present state.

Read more about the research projects.

Congratulations to the Physics Postdoc Prize Winners 2021

The nominations for the Physics Postdoc Prize 2021 were numerous and of an exceptionally high quality this year and it was incredibly difficult to select a “best” paper. After much deliberation the two winners are as follows:

Rosalie Thompson (Cresswell)

Importance of Water in Maintaining Softwood Secondary Cell Wall Nanostructure

Rosalie Cresswell, Ray Dupree, Steven P. Brown, Caroline S. Pereira, Munir S. Skaf, Mathias Sorieul, Paul Dupree, and Stefan Hill

Biomacromolecules 2021, 22, 11, 4669–4680

Water is an integral part of wood; living wood can be deformed beyond its yield point without breaking whereas dried wood will fracture. Rehydration of dried wood does not restore its properties yet, prior to this work, there was no molecular level picture of water’s role. Rosalie led this paper which uses state-of-the-art multidimensional NMR supported by MD modelling to determine the irreversible molecular changes that occur upon drying. It presents a model of a hydrated cellulose microfibril and the changes occurring during the drying and rehydration. The paper has been enthusiastically received with approaching 1000 article views since publication in late October.

Ingrid Pelisoli

A hot subdwarf–white dwarf super-Chandrasekhar candidate supernova Ia progenitor

Ingrid Pelisoli , P. Neunteufel, S. Geier, T. Kupfer, U. Heber, A. Irrgang, D. Schneider, A. Bastian, J. van Roestel, V. Schaffenroth and B. N. Barlow

Nature Astronomy, 5, 1052–1061 (2021)

Over twenty years ago, Type Ia thermonuclear supernovae were key to the discovery of the acceleration of the Universe, but their precise origin is a mystery. Ingrid led a paper published in Nature Astronomy presenting the discovery of a binary star whose 99-minute orbital period makes it an excellent candidate to host a thermonuclear supernova in the future. Ingrid and collaborators applied a combination of leading observational and theoretical techniques to map the future of this exciting system. With this detection, they constrained the supernova rate due to this particular type of binary, shedding light onto the origin of supernovae.

Tue 04 Jan 2022, 10:24 | Tags: announcements, Postdocs and Researchers, Awards

Terabotics project shortlisted for prestigious award

The Terabotics project, led by Professor Emma MacPherson, which aims to integrate terahertz technology with surgical robotics to help improve cancer diagnosis and treatment has been shortlisted for the Engineer's Collaborate to Innovate Awards 2021.

Find out more about Emma's Terahertz Research Group. 

Warwick Awards for Personal Tutoring Excellence

Congratulations to Michael Pounds (Senior Tutor/ Director of Student Experience) who has won a Warwick Award for Personal Tutoring Excellence (WAPTE). The WAPTE awards recognise staff who have made an outstanding contribution to the support of students through the University's personal tutoring system.

Fri 18 Jun 2021, 17:46 | Tags: Staff and Department, Awards, Faculty of Science

PhD Thesis Prize 2021

Many congratulations to Drs Elena Cukanovaite, James Gott and Samuele Ferracin, for their success in the 2021 PhD Thesis Prize competition. Elena won the Winton Prize for Astrophysics, James was awarded the Springer Thesis Prize, while Samuele is the recipient of the Faculty of Science and Department of Physics Thesis prize. Read on for more details about the prizes and their research.

Sandra Chapman awarded Ed Lorenz Lecture at the 2020 Fall AGU Meeting

Professor Sandra Chapman (CFSA) awarded the 2020 Ed Lorenz Lecture for the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) – which will be one of the world’s largest virtual scientific conferences [1-17 December 2020]. The Ed Lorenz Lecture is given on topics in non-linear physics across all for space and geophysics. Lecture will explore how advances in fundamental physics can help quantify space weather risk.

Thu 01 Oct 2020, 14:05 | Tags: Feature News, Press, Research, Staff and Department, Awards

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