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Safe Systems of Work or SSOW

A safe system of work will address what methods are to be used to reduce or eliminate the hazards identified from the risk assessment and / or a COSHH assessment and will encompass areas such as where, how, by whom, what quantities used and disposal methods to be used within the process and will detail the protocols and procedures to be adhered to for the process.

As ever, before you complete a SSOW form it will be useful to access the School of Engineering H&S pages (click to follow link or use the SEARCH option to the right) and see if any previous SSOW has been completed that may be useful in completing you own assessment and also to give you an idea of the format required.

It is perfectly allowable to cut and paste from previous forms but DO REMEMBER that environments, locations and people change so even very similar SSOW will not be entirely applicable to your current needs.

Either use the SSOW TEMPLATE, or use link to the left and copy to another destination file or copy the blank SSOW form (click to follow link or use the SSOW page option to the right) to a word document or similar and complete the form "off line" so that alterations can be made by you, your tutuor or project supervisor or information included from other available sources.

Please remember that once the form has been submitted it cannot be altered.

Once the form is completed it can be "cut and pasted" back into the on line blank RA form for elctronic submission to the School's safety office, please print two copies for your tutor or project supervisor to sign, one of which will be passed onto the safety office and the other you will keep.

Help is always available either from your tutor, your project supervisor or from John Pillier, the H&S deputy who is available on ext. 23945 and is located in the Engineering hall of the IMC building.