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Mura Technology and WMG secure innovate UK grant to grow commercial opportunities for Hydrothermal advanced plastic recycling technology

WMG at the University of Warwick, Innovate UK (IUK) and advanced recycler of plastics Mura Technology are to continue their collaboration on sustainability with a new IUK funded, two-year Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP).

WMG will develop operational sustainability models for Mura’s Hydro-PRT advanced plastic recycling technology to identify opportunities for further improvements to the already sector-leading environmental performance of the process. Mura has already identified an annual carbon emissions saving of 40,000 tonnes at the first Hydro-PRT site in Wilton, Teesside, due to commence operations in 2024.

Mura Technology site in WiltonMura Technology is an advanced recycler of waste plastics, producing fossil-equivalent oils from post-use, mixed, multi-layered flexible and rigid plastics for the petrochemicals industry to create virgin-grade plastics, such as for use in food packaging. Mura's patented, innovative next generation processing technology, Hydro-PRT, produces high quality chemicals and oils with sector-leading sustainability attributes, creating a low carbon and circular model for a range of stakeholders working with polymers.

The company's first commercial scale plant, at Wilton, Teesside, will become the world's largest advanced recycling plant when it commences operations later this year, with two further plants being built under licence with partners in South Korea and Japan, expected to come online by the end of 2024. Driven by increasing regulation on plastic waste, Mura has a global growth ambition for more than 1.5 million tonnes of recycling capacity in operation or development by 2032.

WMG will create a modelling platform that will operationalise sustainability at all future Mura project sites, including Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs), to demonstrate transparently how Hydro-PRT meets environmental requirements. The platform will be used to educate and inform stakeholders including global regulators, policy makers and the plastics value chain on the low carbon potential of

The KTP is the continuation of the IUK Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging research partnership, where Reader of Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing at WMG, University of Warwick, Dr Stuart Coles successfully developed and published Life Cycle Analysis models, independent of Mura, for the Hydro-PRT process and the UK waste plastic recycling ecosystem. Dr Coles will also be the academic lead on this project.

Simon Broome Innovation Manager at WMG, University of Warwick, who co-wrote the application for the project, said: “I was blown away by the potential of this project to transform the process for recycling contaminated waste plastic. The team are highly committed and have already demonstrated impressive growth on their journey to make real sustainability gains in this important material sector.”

Mura’s Head of Sustainability and R&D, Dr Geoff Brighty, said: “Continuing the collaboration with WMG is critically important to bring this new science into our core business operation. Hydro-PRT has sector leading sustainability credentials, but every prospective site will be unique, influenced by the local energy grid, plant configurations as well as its material supply chain. The KTP project models will inform options appraisals and decision making, ensuring sustainability is at the heart of our global growth programme.”

For more information on developing a Knowledge Transfer Partnership application with WMG, contact

For more information on WMG’s research in Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing visit: Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing Group (

Advanced technology could give us ‘personalised’ hip replacements

‘Personalised’ hip replacement surgery might be just what the doctor ordered for people with hip arthritis – according to new research. Using advanced technology from other industries such as automotive and manufacturing, researchers are driving medical advancement.

The result is tailored hip replacements, as each person moves their hips in slightly different ways. At the moment, replacements are based on a ‘normal’ hip rather than being specifically designed for the patient.

In the study by WMG at The University of Warwick, in collaboration with University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust and Corin Group, researchers revealed this pioneering approach to hip replacements could improve patient outcomes and surgery success rates.

More than 100,000 people in the UK undergo hip replacements each year, according to the NHS – commonly due to arthritis, a disease of the joints which causes significant pain.

The new study analysed longstanding problems in hip replacement surgery: on the specific range of motion needed in a replacement and how the value of the personalised surgery could be calculated before any operation.

In the study, Lead Researcher Dr Arnab Palit, Assistant Professor at WMG at The University of Warwick, and his team combined real-life and computer models to compare simulated and real hip motions.

This demonstrated that certain hip motions can be easily and accurately calculated using state-of-the-art computer simulations based on CT scans of the patient’s hip joint, closely mirroring real hip motions.

This advancement could enable surgeons to plan hip surgeries based on patient-specific target hip motions, rather than relying on population norms or arbitrary 'normal' values. This personalised approach is particularly valuable for patients who do not fall within these average values, ensuring that pre-surgical planning is truly individualised and likely to be more effective.

Using these tailor-made hip replacements could improve the success of operations, making them ‘right at the first time’. Surgeons may be able to put the artificial hip in just the right spot based on the pre-operatively calculated personified target hip motion.

This could reduce the chances of any clinical problems later on, minimising the risk of revision surgery. This will also help to improve the recovery time of patients, while also reducing additional costs and labour to the NHS.

Dr Palit said: “This research shows a big step forward in hip replacement planning. By using computer simulations based on a patient's hip shape from CT scans, we can predict certain hip movements accurately. During surgery, these predicted movements can guide them to place implants in the best positions for each patient.

“So, instead of using average measurements, we're customising the surgery to fit each person perfectly, leading better surgery. Further research will be necessary to fully explore its potential to utilise it for NHS patients.”

Professor Richard King, Clinical Orthopaedic Surgeon at UHCW and the clinical lead of the project, commented: “The hip replacement has been called ‘the operation of the century’.

“As surgeons, we are constantly looking to make it better and more reliable. This work we have done with WMG could help us to do exactly this, by showing us how to tailor the operation precisely for each individual patient.”

Dr Christopher Plaskos, Vice President, Global Clinical Innovation at Corin Group added: “Corin is proud to support this research aimed at predicting the true range of clinical motion of a hip joint from pre-operative CT and hip motion simulation. It’s research like this that will shape the future of hip planning, leading to truly personalised hip replacement.”

Find out more about WMG’s scanning capabilities here: Metrology and 3D Imaging (

Dean of WMG visits China

Picture shows Professor Robin Clark on his trip to ChinaDean of WMG, Professor Robin Clark; International Partnerships Manager, Nicole Craddock-Zhang; and International Academic Director – China, Dr Dawei Lu, travelled to China recently for a series of high-profile meetings with key representatives from higher education, industry and government.

The trip was a crucial part of WMG’s strategy to help future collaboration and drive innovation in the country.

Professor Clark and his team met with representatives from Beijing City University (Shanghai Operation) and East China University of Science and Technology, where they discussed further collaboration on both education programmes and research initiatives. They then headed to the Nanjing University of Science and Technology to explore student entrepreneurship programmes.

Meetings also took place with GAO Yingzhong, Director General, at the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Zhejiang provincial bureau, where industry opportunities in the province were explored.

While in Zhejiang, constructive meetings were also held with Geely Holdings Group, China’s largest privately owned automotive company. Here Professor Clark and representatives from Geely Holdings discussed opportunities to support the company’s Automotive Engineering Institute.

Finally, there was the opportunity to re-connect with WMG alumni and hear more about their careers and business ventures post-graduation.Picture shows Dean of WMG, Professor Robin Clark; International Partnerships Manager, Nicole Craddock-Zhang; and International Academic Director – China, Dr Dawei Lu

Commenting on the trip, Professor Robin Clark, Dean of WMG, said: “It was great to return to Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou after the pandemic. We strengthened WMG’s relationship with higher education partners, industries as well as government agencies that support our strategies.

“I was particularly pleased to be able to meet the alumni communities too, their enthusiasm was infectious. They were glad to see us, and they have proven to be great ambassadors in the industries they now work in, continuing to make an impact as part of the WMG vision.”


Thu 04 Jul 2024, 10:03 | Tags: Partnerships Visits Our People Alumni

WMG pledges support to make Coventry digitally inclusive

WMG at the University of Warwick is proud to be an active partner in Coventry City Council’s pioneering digital recycling scheme, the #CovConnects Device Bank.

The project, which is part of the Council’s Digital Inclusion programme and supported by the Cities Climate Change Strategy, was launched on principles of circular economy by reusing andWMG pledges support to Coventry City Council’s pioneering digital recycling scheme, the #CovConnects Device Bank repairing end of corporate life devices which are then distributed to local communities.

The Council was awarded the funding following a successful application to the Time after Time fund. The fund was created and is distributed by Hubbub and Virgin Media O2, and looks to fund projects that help to close the digital divide while reducing electronic waste.

Cllr Richard Brown, Cabinet Member for Strategic Finance and Resources at Coventry City Council, said: “Our #CovConnects programme is all about making sure none of our residents are digitally excluded. That’s why I’m delighted we’ve won this funding.

“This money will allow us to expand our efforts and get more of these devices into the hands of the most vulnerable. Having your own device, which you can use every day, is something that has the potential to completely transform your life.

“This project is a true partnership with the NHS, WMG and other partners across the city. Together we can make Coventry truly digitally inclusive.”

Dr Russ Hall, WMG’s Lead for Circular Economy and Sustainable Manufacturing at the University of Warwick, and Chair of the Coventry City Climate Change Board Circular Pathway, added: “It’s really important to be a part of this fantastic scheme. We want to research the reuse, remanufacture and recycling of digital equipment. This is a great example of where sustainable practices like circular economy can address societal issues like digital poverty, and we want to do all we can to help it flourish and grow. It has real environmental benefits as part of the circular economy and can play a vital role in overcoming digital exclusion.”

Digital Recycling is a key element within the Council’s Climate Change Strategy. Dr Russ Hall and Friya Tailor from WMG, are working with colleagues from the Council to evaluate the environmental benefits of the project. The research will in turn be shared nationally enabling other organisations to learn from the scheme.

To find out more about the #CovConnects programme, visit:

Virgin Media O2 and Hubbub established the Time After Time fund in 2022 in response to the nation’s growing e-waste problem, with the UK producing more electrical waste per person than any other country in the world (except for Norway).

#CovConnects was selected as one of eight winners from more than 120 entries by a panel of judges including TV presenter and environmentalist George Clarke, non-profit, Material Focus, digital inclusion charity, Good Things Foundation, plus Hubbub and Virgin Media O2.

Find out more about Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing research at WMG here: Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing Group (

New award wins shine light on the importance of industry-university partnerships

WMG at the University of Warwick has secured funding, alongside other departments at the University, for eight new Innovate UK funded Accelerated Knowledge Transfer (AKT) projects, designed to rapidly inject innovation capacity within UK industry.

With over 500 applications and just a third of projects awarded a slice of the £5 million, WMG was successful because of its strong industry ties and robust business relationships.

Like regular Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, which have been funded by successive governments for almost 50 years, AKT projects provide organisations with a specialist academic teamPicture shows example of industry-university partnership including a postgraduate student. The WMG team will:

  • Identify innovation blockers
  • Evaluate an innovation concept
  • Find solutions to immediate as well as longer term challenges
  • Accelerate new thinking and processes
  • Develop new business models and expand capacity

One WMG industry partner set to benefit is Jaltek Systems Ltd. The team at Jaltek will be using the funding to continue with the integration of robotics technology into processes.

Andy Dowling, Head of WMG’s SME Business Development team said: "These awards are testament to the University's continued drive and success in establishing collaborative relationships with industry through the Knowledge Transfer Partnership scheme. As only 35% of the AKT applications were awarded Innovate UK funding, we are proud of our achievements and are looking forward to working on this set of exciting projects."

Picture shows Jaltek Systems LimitedSteve Blythe of Jaltek Systems Ltd said: “We are continually looking to improve productivity through training, improved processes, and automation. We saw good practice using cobots (collaborative robots) in other businesses and reached out to WMG to support our plans. The funding for the AKT will help us further our activity in this area.”

The 16-week long projects will start from April 2024 and WMG will be recruiting talented graduates to join the team. For more information contact:

To find out more about WMG’s SME Programmes visit:

Thu 07 Mar 2024, 12:20 | Tags: SME HVM Catapult Partnerships Research

Warwick to benefit from £2.54 million funding into “phenomenal” metamaterials

A £2.54m grant will enable a new network driving research into metamaterials, headed up by a researcher from The University of Warwick.

Metamaterials have phenomenal potential. They are artificial 3D structures comprised of at least two different materials. This combination and the structure give metamaterials properties beyond those of the materials used to make them. These properties may be electromagnetic, acoustic, magnetic, mechanical/structural, thermal, or chemical.

Metamaterials could transform our economy in a digital age, helping to address society’s challenges by contributing to manufacturing in areas of sustainability, health care, communications, defence and security, computation techniques, and the space and aviation industries.

Now, thanks to funding by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), a branch of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), 13 universities and five organisations will lead on enhancing the UK’s capabilities in creating novel and innovative metamaterials.

Picture shows UK Metamaterials NetworkPlus graphicThe UK Metamaterials NetworkPlus will build on the work of the UK Metamaterials Network, which was established in 2021. It will be co-led by Dr Claire Dancer, Reader, WMG at The University of Warwick, and Professor Alastair Hibbins, Director of the University of Exeter’s Centre for Metamaterial Research and Innovation, alongside a team of co-project leads from across the UK.

The EPSRC grant will run for over four years, from 1st March 2024, and will help develop game-changing breakthroughs. It will build the UK’s skills pipeline, driving through generation-after-next technology and high-value products.

Warwick will lead on researching manufacturing challenges for metamaterials, such as co-processing challenging combinations of materials and establishing routes for scaled-up production of metamaterials currently made by non-scalable processes, building on the University’s strong expertise across the materials manufacturing sector and existing High Value Manufacturing Catapult activities at WMG.

Dr Dancer said: “We’re really excited by this additional funding from EPSRC. Not only are we now able to continue supporting our community, but we are now going to be able to offer pump-prime funding for a number of priority projects that are strategically important to us. That’s across fundamental science, manufacturing, and industrially relevant research – ultimately strengthening the role that metamaterials play in the UK’s science and technology portfolio, driving further investment into our area, and ensuring the UK benefits from our academic excellence on the global stage.”

Professor Alastair Hibbins, project lead of the NetworkPlus, and Director of the University of Exeter’s Centre for Metamaterial Research and Innovation said: “The scope of metamaterials is huge; metamaterials as a concept provides the opportunities to control information and energy through careful structuring of conventional materials. But of course, ‘information’ and ‘energy’ are very general terms and cover an enormous range of devices; what we really mean is heat, fluid-flow, light, vibration, sound, radar, relevant to technologies such as communication, computing, electronics, health, sustainability, and defence. This breadth in science and application has meant that the excellence in our academic community has been incredibly diverse but not joined-up.

“For the last few years, Dr Claire Dancer from WMG at The University of Warwick, and I have co-led the Network, and with the funding and support from EPSRC and The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), we’ve been working incredibly hard to forge a new UK ecosystem for metamaterials where we work together to support each other, and drive work into areas that require multidisciplinary approaches to solve global challenges.” 

The UK Metamaterials NetworkPlus will drive an increase to UK research in this vital technology area. It will bring together experts from academia, industry, and government to accelerate progress towards the UK’s technological priorities. It has an essential role to play in maintaining and growing UK leadership in discovery science on the global stage.

The NetworkPlus will formally launch at the Metamaterials UK Conference and Forum 19th-23rd May 2024.

For more information, visit:

About the UK Metamaterials NetworkPlus

The UK Metamaterials NetworkPlus aims to develop the UK’s potential as a thriving, innovation driven, research and industry base. To do this the NetworkPlus aims to:


- Bring together the current and next generation of academic, start-up and industry leaders in the UK, and open the field beyond its traditional boundaries;

- Provide a reliable nexus for information, experts and cutting-edge science and technology;

- Support pilot and explorative projects to initiate research areas which are new to the UK or strategically important;

- Support the development of close links between government, academics and industry, providing a strong advocacy for metamaterials activities;

- Work to create a strong regulatory framework and shape international norms and standards;

- Showcase metamaterials potential, growing its potential in the UK.


Co-project leads for the award are based at the University of Exeter, the University of Warwick, the University of Cambridge, the University of Sheffield, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the University of St Andrews.


Members of the leadership team are also based at Sheffield Hallam, Queen Mary University, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), MBDA Systems, Imperial College London, Manchester Metropolitan, the University of Nottingham, M. Ventures, QinetiQ, Durham University, and the National Physics Laboratory (NPL).


Media contact

University of Warwick press office contact:

Annie Slinn 07876876934

Communications Officer | Press & Media Relations | University of Warwick Email:

Mon 04 Mar 2024, 13:38 | Tags: Materials Partnerships Research Sustainability

Ready, Set, Go! The University of Warwick and 62 Coventry schools unite for the Flame of Friendship Torch Relay

Picture shows the official launch of the Flame of Friendship Torch RelayIn anticipation of the Paris 2024 Olympics, The University of Warwick, in collaboration with 62 Coventry primary, secondary, and special educational needs schools, officially launched the Flame of Friendship Torch Relay on Thursday 22nd February.

The torch relay kicked off with a spectacular launch ceremony at Coventry Cathedral, featuring a procession led by Team GB Water Polo player Amelie Perkins, who carried the torch to its first destination, Southfields Primary School.

As the relay unfolds, the torch will journey to 62 schools across Coventry, culminating in a momentous grand finale at the University of Warwick on the 8th July.

The torch has been custom made for this event, following a competition in which over 2000 Coventry pupils took part. The winning design, from a Year 7 student at Finham Park School, was manufactured at WMG as a project done by four Rugby College students currently undertaking T Level-related activities with WMG.

Led by Rebecca Bollands, Deputy Head at Earlsdon Primary School, and supported by the Warwick Institute of Engagement on behalf of the University of Warwick, the Flame of Friendship Torch Relay aims to foster unity and collaboration among Coventry schools in the spirit of the upcoming Olympic Games.

Kerry Baker, Associate Director at the Warwick Institute of Engagement said “I’m so proud of all the people that have had a hand in making the Flame of Friendship a real, physical thing – taking ideas and solutions from the brains of 12- to 50-year-olds and combining them to make something so unique, so stunning, and so representative of Coventry. It’s an honour to be able to support our community in such a fun and once-in-a-lifetime experience.”

At the Finale on Monday 8th July, over 1000 Coventry pupils and teachers will line the road on the University of Warwick campus and join a procession as the torch passes by, making its way along the final relay leg to Butterworth Hall at the Warwick Arts Centre, pausing in the Piazza where members of the Royal Opera House will lead the participants in an Olympic themed dance.

For more information and to view the route of the torch visit our website.


Media Contact
University of Warwick Press Office contact:
Kat Beauchamp, Communications Officer
Phone: 07880175408

Mon 26 Feb 2024, 14:26 | Tags: Partnerships Warwick News Outreach

New national initiative to educate the public on automated vehicles (AVs)

Today (Wednesday 21st February 2024), WMG at The University of Warwick, has launched the Partners for Automated Vehicle Education United KingdomPicture shows Professor Sarah Sharples, Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department for Transport delivering a keynote at the PAVE UK launch event (PAVE UK) with the Department for Business and Trade, the Department for Transport, the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV), and Transport for West Midlands, as its founding partners.

The PAVE UK initiative aims to build public confidence in self-driving technology through a programme of education and engagement, supporting the UK Government’s ambition to safely deploy self-driving vehicles on the road and its aim to make the UK the leader in artificial intelligence (AI).

Picture shows Anthony Browne, Technology and Decarbonisation Minister - keynote speaker at the PAVE UK launch eventy’s launch event.PAVE UK is the country’s first non-governmental organisation that advocates for and delivers public education and engagement programmes on automated vehicles. It launched today at the Royal Automobile Club in London, with Anthony Browne MP (Technology and Decarbonisation Minister), and Professor Sarah Sharples (Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department for Transport), as the keynote speakers. Over 100 technology developers, safety campaign groups, regulators, innovators, and industry leaders discussed how to ensure the public is engaged in the self-driving technology journey and how to accurately communicate AV safety messages with different stakeholders in society.

Professor Siddartha Khastgir, Head of Verification & Validation at WMG, University of Warwick said: "At WMG, we strive to enhance the safety of self-driving technology and ensure it is safe to operate on the roads. In taking a people first approach, the public should be paramount in the safety conversation and part of the journey during the development and deployment of self-driving vehicles on UK roads.

“PAVE UK will translate technical information into clear, comprehensive and accurate messaging to help communicate safety to the public in an inclusive and accessible manner. Future technology users and other road users will be equipped with the knowledge of benefits and limits of this new transport technology. PAVE UK will also bring together the self-driving ecosystem to tackle the technological challenges, speak honestly and accurately about system capabilities and limitations, and encourage innovators to put the public at the heart of this.”

PAVE UK will work closely with the entire UK Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) ecosystem, to carry out education and engagement programmes, such as research-based educational materials packs, school outreach activities, community outreach, an online video library, webinars, and an online educational app. The programme will be delivered by WMG at the University of Warwick.

Nusrat Ghani MP, Minister for Industry and Economic Security, said: “The UK automotive sector is at the cutting edge of exploiting new innovative technologies. These have the potential to create jobs, grow the economy and accelerate how we reach net-zero.

“This government has shown time and time again that we're committed to creating the right conditions to boost UK advanced manufacturing, and the PAVE UK initiative will help cement the UK as a world leader in self-driving technology."

Technology and Decarbonisation Minister Anthony Browne said: “Self-driving vehicles have the potential to transform our transport sector, and PAVE UK will be a big part of this by raising awareness and embedding confidence in people throughout the country. In the meantime, we’re making sure that these vehicles are safe to use on our roads. Our Automated Vehicles Bill sets a rigorous standard for safety, whilst making sure that this country is where businesses can develop and deploy their cutting-edge technology.”

Organisations and schools wishing to participate in the programmes can contact


Note to editors

Additional quotes

Tara Andringa, Executive Director, PAVE said: "When PAVE was founded in 2019, it was a bet on the power of knowledge: we believed that if the public understands the facts of autonomous vehicles, we will see greater public trust in this incredibly promising technology. Our campaign both seeks to demystify automated vehicles– to explain how the technology works – and to help the public understand how these technologies could help to improve the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of our transportation system.

“While countries and regions have adopted different regulatory approaches to automated vehicles, the challenge of AV education is global in nature. Given the tremendous leadership from the UK both in its approach to AV policy and to civic engagement on the technology, we are incredibly excited for the influential role PAVE UK will play in leading public education. The PAVE ecosystem is thrilled for the launch of PAVE UK, and we will work together to build an engagement campaign that will create a template for AV education worldwide."

Automated Vehicles Bill:

About WMG, University of Warwick

WMG is a world leading research and education group, transforming organisations and driving innovation through a unique combination of collaborative research and development, and pioneering education programmes.

As an international role model for successful partnerships between academia and the private and public sectors, WMG develops advancements nationally and globally, in applied science, technology and engineering, to deliver real impact to economic growth, society and the environment.

WMG’s education programmes focus on lifelong learning of the brightest talent, from the WMG Academies for Young Engineers, degree apprenticeships, undergraduate and postgraduate, through to professional programmes.

An academic department of the University of Warwick, and a centre for the HVM Catapult, WMG was founded by the late Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya in 1980 to help reinvigorate UK manufacturing and improve competitiveness through innovation and skills development.


PAVE UK aims to bring the conversation about automated vehicles (AVs) to the public so that future users and technology developers can play a role in shaping our future.

By arranging education and engagement programmes around AVs, our goal is to increase the public’s awareness of the capabilities and limitations of the technology and build up societal acceptance and trust in this new transport innovation. We also aim to develop a correct user attitude to foster the safe deployment of AVs.

We strongly believe that by fully and transparently equipping the public with CAM technology knowledge, we could then achieve the potential benefits of the technology.


Media contact:

Annie Slinn

Communications Officer (Sciences)


Gabbie Lau

WMG Marketing and Communications Officer (Verification and Validation Research Group)

WMG students tackle industry challenges through Company Collaboration Projects

The MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations (ITSO) course, at WMG, University of Warwick, is collaborating with a series of key industrial partners to offer students the opportunity to work on Company Collaboration Projects (CCP) again this academic year.

Company Collaboration Projects are collaborative dissertations that give students the opportunity to work on real-life challenges facing industry. The projects provides another option for students when selecting their dissertation, and in turn help to develop key skills and employment capabilities, whilst helping organisations to resolve their challenges via systematic research.

The CCP dissertation option was presented to students, at a special launch event for 23/24, by WMG’s ITSO Course Director, Dr Di Li. At the event, WMG’s Associate Dean (Postgraduate Education), Professor Dan Nunan highlighted the values of knowledge study and the practical impacts.Picture shows the CCP launch event at WMG, University of Warwick

The students also heard from senior executives at industrial partners, including Dr Filomeno Martina, CEO and co-founder at WAAM3D, and Ms Shu Jia, Assistant CEO at Rexville Solutions, who shared more details about the projects available this year.

Ms Shu Jia explains: “The Company Collaboration Projects have brought great impacts to our business by helping us save costs of several millions. We are so happy to continue the collaborations on this with the ITSO programme at WMG.”

Dr Filomeno Martina comments: “WAAM3D is delighted to work together with WMG on the Company Collaboration Projects, which are a key aspect of our academic engagement. WMG’s projects are well organised and deliver highly valuable outputs. We feel honoured to support the WMG students with both their academic studies and professional development.”

ITSO student course representative, Rong Fu, says: “This event not only helps ITSO students to have a clearer understanding of the type of projects available, but also provides the opportunity to communicate with corporate staff and supervisors face-to-face. The CCP allow us the opportunity to apply what we have learnt in solving real-world problems which is extremely attractive and helpful for our future career development.”

Find out more about WMG’s International Trade, Strategy and Operations Master’s Programme here: MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations | University of Warwick

If you represent a company who is interested in finding out more about CCP please email WMG’s Assistant Professor and ITSO Course Director, Dr Di Li, here:

Wed 31 Jan 2024, 09:46 | Tags: Education Partnerships Full-time Masters

Six £15,000 bursaries awarded to talented engineering students from the West Midlands

Six engineering students from the West Midlands have each won a bursary worth £5000 a year for three years to support their university studies. The awardees were announced today (7 December) at an event at WMG at the University of Warwick to celebrate three successful years of the Lord Bhattacharyya Engineering Education Programme.

The six recipients of the Lord Bhattacharyya Higher Education bursaries were announced by engineer and social entrepreneur Yewande Akinola MBE HonFREng, who was the keynote speaker at the celebration event held at the National Automotive Innovation Centre in Coventry.

The Lord Bhattacharyya Engineering Education Programme aims to widen participation in engineering by attracting young people in the West Midlands from low-income backgrounds andPicture of the late Professor Lord Bhattacharyya other groups currently underrepresented in engineering. Launched in 2020, the five-year programme is led by the Royal Academy of Engineering in close partnership with WMG. It is funded by the Department Science, Innovation and Technology as a tribute to the late Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya Kt CBE FREng FRS, a renowned engineer, academic, educator and government advisor who established WMG at the University of Warwick in 1980. The Programme provides a comprehensive package of engineering-focused science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) support, including grants to schools and colleges, teacher networking and CPD opportunities, funded industrial secondments, as well as individual FE and HE student bursaries.

The six bursary recipients are:

  • Natasha Daniels, studying civil with environmental engineering at the University of Brighton
  • Ecaterina Falinschi, also studying civil with environmental engineering at the University of Brighton
  • Saara Hussain, studying general engineering at the University of Warwick
  • Wafiq Hussain, studying aeronautical engineering at Imperial College London
  • Jamie Phillips, studying mechanical engineering at the University of Plymouth
  • Kelly Zheng, studying engineering with a foundation year at the University of Liverpool

Since 2020, a total of over £400,000 has been awarded in bursaries to 28 students.

Over 150 people from schools, colleges and engineering industries in the West Midlands attended the event to celebrate the Lord Bhattacharyya Engineering Education Programme. The event featured secondary schools and further education colleges demonstrating to invited guests some of the projects that have been supported by the Programme and helped to enrich science, technology, engineering and maths teaching and learning.

The day also included inspirational speakers and hands-on activities, including a competitive group challenge delivered by Jaguar Land Rover’s Powertrain team, and an immersive session in TATA Motors’ VR lab and tour of their cutting-edge research facilities. More than ten other locally based engineering employers were also on hand to give students an understanding of the region’s engineering excellence and career opportunities.

Dr Rhys Morgan, Strategic Projects Director for Skills and Inclusion at the Royal Academy of Engineering, said of the celebration: “The energy and enthusiasm shown by the students, and indeed everyone else present at the event was fantastic to witness. The creativity and diversity of thought shown by the students is exactly what West Midlands businesses will need from their future engineers and technicians in order to thrive and contribute to the local and national society and economy.

“My congratulations too to the six students awarded bursaries who have already taken the next step towards becoming engineers and I wish them every success.”

Professor Margaret Low MBE, Director of Outreach and Widening Participation at WMG, said: “The Lord Bhattacharyya Engineering Education Programme has been a valuable support network for local schools and for teams at the University who work in partnership with our community. It has brought together teachers, students, academics, and industrial partners to create inspiring opportunities for all.

“The bursary awards encourage and support students to study engineering at university. These students have demonstrated considerable skill and experience already to have been awarded the bursaries, and it’s clear that these students have bright futures ahead. I wish them well on their engineering journey.”

Applications for the fourth round of Lord Bhattacharyya Higher Education Bursaries will open in March 2024, for students enrolling at university in September 2024.


Notes for Editors

1. More information about the six awardees can be found here.

2. The Lord Bhattacharyya HE Bursary Scheme helps students at sixth forms, colleges and academies across the West Midlands prepare for degree-level engineering education. The funding available provides students from low-income households or under-represented communities with a pathway to higher education and therefore encourages the pursuit of careers in the sector. The Scheme not only drives diversity and inclusion throughout the engineering sector, but also ensures that talented students are equipped with the resources needed to develop the latest engineering skills required to access degree-level programmes and ultimately thrive in a fast-paced sector with lots of opportunities.

3. The Royal Academy of Engineering is harnessing the power of engineering to build a sustainable society and an inclusive economy that works for everyone. In collaboration with our Fellows and partners, we’re growing talent and developing skills for the future, driving innovation and building global partnerships, and influencing policy and engaging the public. Together we’re working to tackle the greatest challenges of our age.

4. WMG, University of Warwick, is a world leading research and education group, transforming organisations and driving innovation through a unique combination of collaborative research and development, and pioneering education programmes.
As an international role model for successful partnerships between academia and the private and public sectors, WMG develops advancements nationally and globally, in applied science, technology and engineering, to deliver real impact to economic growth, society and the environment.
WMG’s education programmes focus on lifelong learning of the brightest talent, from the WMG Academies for Young Engineers, degree apprenticeships, undergraduate and postgraduate, through to professional programmes.
An academic department of the University of Warwick, and a centre for the HVM Catapult, WMG was founded by the late Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya in 1980 to help reinvigorate UK manufacturing and improve competitiveness through innovation and skills development.

Media enquiries to: Pippa Cox at the Royal Academy of Engineering Tel. +44 207 766 0745; email:

Thu 07 Dec 2023, 11:12 | Tags: Partnerships Lord Bhattacharyya Outreach

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