1: Introduction
The Department of Economics was one of the founding departments of the University of Warwick when it was opened in 1965. Since then, we have become one of the largest departments in the discipline and are now widely regarded as one of the top Economics departments, not only in the UK, but in the world too.
We are currently ranked 1st in the Good University Guide 2024 (published by the Times and Sunday Times in September 2024), 2nd in the UK for research excellence (based on the most recent Research Excellence Framework 2021, published in Times Higher Education rankings) and 23rd in the World (The QS World University Subject Rankings 2024).
We have an academic community of around 150 staff, including 37 professors, with approximately 1,700 undergraduate students and 300 postgraduates. The Department is international in terms of both the staff and student body.
We are proud of our teaching record and of the achievements of our students and teaching is at the core of the work we do in the Department. One of our key objectives is to provide a research-informed and research-led teaching environment that equips you with key research skills and understanding and our courses benefit greatly from the input of leading scholars with international reputations who are based in the Department. We actively encourage you to fully engage with the learning process to enhance your educational experiences.
Communication and Information Sources
TabulaLink opens in a new window is the University's secure web-based portal that supports teaching and learning and is a key mechanism through which we will communicate with you. It is here you will find information on your timetable, assessment marks and feedback, your progress on meeting your Monitoring Points and attending Support and Feedback classes and information on your class tutors and Personal Tutor.
You can access Tabula both on- and off-campus. Further details and instructions are available when you log in to TabulaLink opens in a new window.
MoodleLink opens in a new window is the University's virtual learning environment. Every module has a Moodle page where you can log in to view lecture notes, recordings and coursework.
Current Students webpages
We have created a webpage with all essential information about your course and to inform you about a wide range of other opportunities that will enhance your student experience and prepare you better for future career. This page is personalised, and you will need to use your student log-in to browse through the different areas.
Please visit this page regularly: https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/current/Link opens in a new window
Every member of the University has a central email address, usually in the form A.N.Other@warwick.ac.uk. This is the address that we will use to contact you and you should use it to email members of staff.
Please check your email everyday as it is our primary method of contacting you.
Economics Updates
These are emails that we send 2-3 times a term and they focus on important issues related to your academic study and student experience.
It is really important that you to read them.
My Warwick mobile App
In the MyWarwickLink opens in a new window app students can access key links and contact information, links to careers information and advice and regular news updates and announcements. The app can be downloaded onto mobiles and tablets and customised to your needs and preferences. It can also be used to view teaching timetables, coursework deadlines, check emails and create alerts. If we need to communicate with you urgently about important things to do with your study here (e.g. about Support and Feedback class cancellations or specific deadlines) we use My Warwick alerts which will appear on your mobile device.
Please do not disable the alerts feature on My Warwick app as you may miss important communications.
Social Media
We use social media to keep current students up to date with departmental news and events via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram:
facebook.com/warwickeconomicsLink opens in a new window
twitter.com/warwickeconLink opens in a new window
instagram.com/warwickeconomicsLink opens in a new window
youtube.com/user/warwickeconomicsLink opens in a new window
We also engage with former students of the Department via a LinkedIn showcase page and Warwick Economics Alumni Group:
Department of Economics showcase pageLink opens in a new window - please follow this page
Warwick Economics Alumni GroupLink opens in a new window - please join the group
Keeping your details up to date
When you enrolled for your course online, you will have submitted various personal and contact details; these include the contact details we will use in the event that we need to contact you urgently. If any of your contact details change, especially your mobile phone number it is vital that you inform us via Student Records onlineLink opens in a new window.
If you cannot find what you are looking for online, or you need to speak to someone, you can find the key contacts below.
Administration of the MRes/ PhD Course
The department is located in the Social Sciences Building on the corner of Library Road and Gibbet Hill Road. You will find the interactive map showing the location of all University buildings and car parks hereLink opens in a new window. The key committees responsible for administration of the MRes/PhD programme are:
- The Graduate Student-Staff Liaison CommitteeLink opens in a new window (GSSLC MRes/PhD): an important forum within the Department where MRes and PhD students meet with departmental staff to discuss issues relating the learning experience. (Please see also the Student Voice section).
- The Graduate Management Committee (GMC): monitors the quality of all postgraduate programmes in the Department and reports to the Department's Teaching and Learning Committee, which oversees the strategy of all aspects of teaching and learning in the Department (in the context of University Education Strategy). The student Chairperson of the GSSLC attends both committees.
The key academic staff in the department with responsibility for the MRes/PhD programme are:
Professor Ben Lockwood, Head of Department
Room: S1.119
Email: Economics.HoD@warwick.ac.ukLink opens in a new window
Professor Carlo Perroni, Deputy Head of Department (Research)
Room: S1.117
Email: C.Perroni@warwick.ac.uk
Dr Pablo Beker, Director MRes/PhD
Room: S2.93
Email: Pablo.Beker@warwick.ac.ukLink opens in a new window
Dr Anant Sudarshan, Deputy Director MRes/PhD
Room: S2.92
Email: Anant.Sudarshan@warwick.ac.ukLink opens in a new window
Dr Claudia Rei, Deputy Head of Department (Teaching and Learning)
Room S0.73
Email: C.Rei@warwick.ac.uk
Postgraduate Senior Tutor (MRes)
Dr Mahnaz Nazneen
Room S2.140
Email: m.nazneen.1@warwick.ac.ukLink opens in a new window
Professor Costas Cavounidis, Wellbeing Officer (PhD)
Room: S2.97
Email: C.Cavounidis@warwick.ac.uk
The key administrative staff in the department with responsibility for the MRes programme are:
Tina Jones, Programmes Manager (PGT)
Room: S0.86
Email: Tina.e.Jones@warwick.ac.ukLink opens in a new window
Mrs Chau Ho, Programmes Coordinator (PGT)
Room: S1.132
Email: C.Ho.1@warwick.ac.uk
Inga Turner Student Support and Progression Officer
Room S0.91
Email: economics.wellbeing@warwick.ac.ukLink opens in a new window
Katie Murley, Student Engagement & Experience Coordinator
Room: S1.132
Email: katie.murley@warwick.ac.uk Link opens in a new window
The key administrative staff in the department with responsibility for the PhD programme are:
Mrs Natalie Deven, Programme Officer (PGR)
Room: S2.138
Email: N.S.Deven@warwick.ac.uk
View the full staff list for the Department.
How to contact us
The Postgraduate Office
The Postgraduate Office team, which is your point of contact as a MRes student, has a daily presence on campus, in room S1.132. Please bear in mind that, if you do visit the PG Office, the person with expertise for your particular query may not be in the office on that day, and so we may need to refer to a colleague working remotely.
See the MRes/PhD Get in TouchLink opens in a new window page, where you can :
- Access contact details and profiles of members of the MRes/PhD programme team.
- Consult the Frequently Asked QuestionsLink opens in a new window (FAQs).
- Email us on economics.pgoffice@warwick.ac.ukLink opens in a new window.
Finding Rooms
The Postgraduate Office is located in room S1.132 (where the letter 'S' denotes the Social Sciences building; '1' denotes the first floor; and '132' denotes the room number.
Sending an email can be a good way to ask straightforward questions or make an appointment and all members of academic staff have a Warwick email account. Please do not send the same email to multiple people as this can cause confusion and results in a waste of staff time and always use your Warwick email address, to avoid your email going into a junk folder. Please do not use an external email account to communicate with us and do not set up an auto forward from your Warwick account into any private email account.
If you are having problems contacting a member of the academic staff, please let the Postgraduate Office know by emailing economics.pgoffice@warwick.ac.ukLink opens in a new window.
You can also contact staff members by telephone. Internal numbers are available through the People Search tool on Insite. You can also speak to teachers at the end of lectures and seminars.
Advice and Feedback Hours
All academic members of staff (including Support and Feedback Class Tutors) have two hours allocated for advice and feedback every week, whereby students can meet with them on an individual basis for guidance or clarification on aspects of a particular module. These hours will be posted on staff web pages. You should make every effort to see staff during these times. If you are unable to meet a member of staff during the stated Advice and Feedback hours, you should make an appointment to meet at a different time. Appointments should be made by email.
What you can expect from us
We want you to have an enjoyable and productive time at Warwick and as part of this we aim to ensure that you have all of the information you need about your modules and required assessments in good time and in sufficient detail to enable you to perform at your best.
Below are the key elements that you should expect from every economics module that you take:
- A module outline, detailing the module aims and objectives, the learning outcomes and an indication of the material that will be covered, the exam rubric, all of which can be found on the module webpage;
- Details of core texts and further readings to give you the best opportunity to prepare for lectures and Support and Feedback classes;
- Lecture notes may be made available for some modules, but this will depend on the individual lecturer;
- A well-prepared lecture, which has the aim of engaging you and encouraging participation in discussion beyond the lecture;
- An outline of how different learning components will be delivered should be provided on Moodle.
For any assessments you should expect:
- Assessment details to be outlined, including the format of the assignment, assessment rules, the submission dates and the expectations of the module lecturer;
- To receive your marked work with feedback and/or annotations within 20 working days of the submission date, unless extenuating circumstances prevent this. If the date for returning work is missed, you will be notified.
You should expect your lecturers and tutors to have time to discuss any concerns or questions you have about the module material. To this end, you should expect:
- All lecturers to have two Advice and Feedback hours per week in term time, in which they are available to see you to offer advice on all matters relating to the relevant module;
- All tutors to be available for a minimum of two hours per week in term time to meet you to offer advice and feedback.
There will be times when we have to make changes to the timetable and we will alert you to these as soon as possible through the MyWarwick App and Tabula.
Diversity and values within the Department
We have a commitment within the Department of Economics to embed our key principles into our work and study environment. We aim to foster an environment of respect and inclusion in which all staff perform to the highest standard and students are able to enjoy a world-class learning experience.
Our key principles are:
- Respect: everyone within our community has the right to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of any protected characteristics
- Integrity: we are guided by the principles of integrity, fostering an open and positive environment that is inclusive to all.
- Accountability: we have a personal responsibility to commit to these values and hold ourselves accountable to our words and actions.
For more information about our diverse and inclusive community and to watch a video produced by our staff and students explaining our set of values, please visit our webpage Diversity and ValuesLink opens in a new window
The University of Warwick Values and Student Conduct
Shaped by Warwick's community, our values represent the way we work together to deliver our strategy and ambitions.
On enrolment and re-enrolment all students at the University of Warwick are asked annually to agree to our Warwick ValuesLink opens in a new window and complete the Student Conduct: what you need to knowLink opens in a new window Moodle course.
What we expect of you
In order to meet your full potential, the Department of Economics (which incorporates both the staff and your peers) has certain expectations of you — and in return you should expect us to deliver on key activities.
The University’s Regulation 36 lays down the expectations of students concerning Registration, Attendance and Progress.
We expect you to engage with your studies and actively participate in departmental activities and events. We expect you to attend lectures and module Support and Feedback classes, where attendance is compulsory. Should your attendance fall below required standards we will contact you and take actions where necessary.
Engaging with your study
You are an autonomous learner and active participant in your education. You should take responsibility for managing your learning, and your engagement is demonstrated in many ways:
- in attending all prescribed lectures, classes, and meetings with your Personal Tutors/Supervisor(s);
- in preparing for and participating in classes or carrying out your own research;
- in directing your own learning beyond that specified by your teachers;
- meeting your monitoring points;
- in completing formative and summative assessment tasks;
- in monitoring and reflecting on your own progress;
- in taking the initiative in seeking support when necessary from the Department and the wider University (e.g. Director of MRes/PhD, Centre for Student Careers and Skills, Students’ Union, Senior Tutor, Disability Coordinator);
- adhering to University and Departmental regulations and seeking guidance when unclear.
We have the strong belief that each student can contribute to the learning progress made by others - this is a further reason for encouraging your attendance, participation and engagement.
Student Visa Holders
The above expectations apply to all students, but for Student Visa holders it is important that you can demonstrate engagement with your course to meet the conditions of your visa. Please make sure you are aware of your responsibilities whilst studying in the UK; you can refer to the Warwick Immigration website and the monitoring point information in section 3.15.
Engaging with your programme: MRes and PhD monitoring points
As a student, you have some responsibilities to the Department, just as we have responsibilities to you. We expect you to attend all your lectures and all your allocated module Support and Feedback classes (MRes) or meet at least monthly with your supervisor (PhD). We want to be sure that you are coping with your work and not falling behind, so we ask that you meet set ‘Monitoring Points’ throughout the academic year. Meeting your monitoring points is crucial and the consequences of missing three or more (MRes) or two or more (PhD)* of these monitoring points can be significant.
* For information regarding PhD monitoring points, please see the PhD Monitoring Points section. This differs to the MRes specific information below.
As you progress through the academic year you will be able to see on your Tabula page how many Monitoring Points you have successfully made and how many you have missed. Please inform the Postgraduate Office should you believe a mistake to have been made in your Monitoring Points record. You can contact your Personal Tutor or the Director MRes/PhD if you have concerns about your academic progress and engagement with your course.
Please be aware that you will be contacted should we become concerned about you having missed Monitoring Points.
- After three Monitoring Points are missed we will contact you to investigate whether you are having any problems that are preventing you from fully engaging with your course. Where the missed monitoring points are consecutive, and there is no alternative evidence of engagement, you will be invited to meet with the Director MRes/PhD and a support plan will be put in place.
- After four Monitoring Points are missed you will be invited to meet with the Director MRes/PhD to discuss your academic progress (unless you have already met after three missed monitoring points in the circumstances explained above). We may refer you to the relevant professional within the University welfare system who could help you, such as the Senior Tutor, Dean of Students, the Disability Coordinator or Mental Health Coordinator, as appropriate.
- After six Monitoring Points are missed you will be invited to a second meeting with the Director MRes/PhD, and a report will be made by the Department to Student Records regarding your non-engagement with your studies. You are now at serious risk of your registration being terminated.
- If you are absent from classes for a period of at least five weeks, or you miss eight departmental monitoring points, the Department and University is likely to invoke Regulation 36Link opens in a new window to begin termination of registration proceedings and your case is handed over to the Academic Office.
International Students should be particularly aware of the consequences of missing Monitoring Points: the University is obliged to report to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) of the Home Office if any students have been found not to be engaging with and attending their degree course. This has serious implications for your visa status.
MRes Economics (L1PL Year 1)
Autumn term
Monitoring Point | Description | Timing |
1 | Attendance at MRes Welcome and Introduction Session | Week 51 |
2 | Meeting with Personal Tutor | Week 1 |
3 | Attendance at a core module class | Week 3 |
4 | Attendance at a core module class | Week 5 |
5 | Attendance at a core module class | Week 7 |
6 | Submission of Economics module evaluation (online) | Weeks 9-10 |
Spring term
Monitoring Point | Description | Timing |
7 | Attendance at a core module class | Week 15 |
8 | Meeting with Personal Tutor | Week 18 |
9 | Attendance at a core module class | Week 21 |
10 | Attendance at a core module class | Week 24 |
Summer term
Monitoring Point | Description | Timing |
11 | Attendance at the Summer examinations | Week 32 |
12 | Attendance at an EC9AA lecture | Week 35 |
Summer vacation
Monitoring Point | Description | Timing |
13 | Contact with the PG Office (Email) | Week 42 |
14 | Contact with the PG Office (Email) | Week 46 |
MRes Economics (L1PL Year 2)
Autumn term
Monitoring Point | Description | Timing |
1 | Welcome Meeting for Year 2 MRes | Week 1 |
2 | Meeting with Personal Tutor | Week 2 |
3 | Attendance at option module lecture | Week 4 |
4 | Attendance at option module lecture | Week 6 |
5 | Attendance at dissertation workshop | Week 8 |
6 | Submission of Economics module evaluation (online) | Weeks 9-10 |
Spring term
Monitoring Point | Description | Timing |
7 | Attendance at option module lecture | Week 15 |
8 | Meeting with Personal Tutor | Week 18 |
9 | Attendance at option module lecture | Week 21 |
10 | Attendance at option module lecture | Week 24 |
Summer term
Monitoring Point | Description | Timing |
11 | Submission of proposed supervisor form | Week 30 |
12 | Submission of EC9B4 dissertation proposal | Week 38 |
Summer vacation
Description | Timing |
13 Contact with the PG Office (Email) | Week 43 |
14 Submission of dissertation | Week 48 |
Monitoring points for PhD students
All PhD students are expected to meet with their supervisors at least once a month and to submit a report of the meeting on Tabula. This forms a record of your progress but also serves as your monitoring point. Details of monitoring points you must meet are listed below.
Your meeting should be recorded on Tabula on the day of the meeting wherever possible. The last day of each month will be classed as the deadline to record a meeting for that month. Please record your meeting within the specified month to avoid being marked as 'missed'.
Departments are required to instigate an 'early intervention' process at the point where two consecutive monitoring points have been missed. If there is no subsequent engagement and three monitoring points are missed, the Compliance Team will instigate a process to withdraw the student (Student Visa holders). Departments will be given 10 working days to establish re-engagement and request a stop to the withdrawal. If not, the student will be withdrawn and visa sponsorship stopped.
PhD Economics (L1P2)
Monitoring Point | Description | Timing |
1 | Attendance at PhD Induction/Welcome Back/PhD Forum (in person) | Week 1 |
2 | Meeting with supervisor (in person) | October |
3 | Meeting with supervisor (in person) | November |
4 | Meeting with supervisor (in person) | December |
Monitoring Point | Description | Timing |
5 | Meeting with supervisor (in person) | January |
6 | Meeting with supervisor (in person) | February |
7 | Meeting with supervisor (in person) | March |
Monitoring Point | Description | Timing |
8 | Meeting with supervisor (in person) | April |
9 | Submission of annual progress report (all years) | Week 34 |
10 | Meeting with supervisor (in person) | June |
Summer vacation period
Monitoring Point | Description | Timing |
11 | Meeting with supervisor (in person) | July |
12 | Meeting with supervisor (in person) | August |
13 | Meeting with supervisor (in person) | September |
- The University requires in-person monitoring points in Terms 1 and 2 for Student Visa students. (Supervisors should be present in term time. If supervisors are not present, you must record a meeting that takes place online but present yourself to the Department administrators and sign an attendance sheet).
- Supervisor meetings should take place at least 7 days apart to meet the monitoring point requirement. Absolutely no period of over 59 days of non-engagement must take place.
- Students studying away from the University (e.g., as a visiting research student, fieldwork etc.) will be expected to fulfil monitoring points in the same way as other students, in terms of maintaining contact with their supervisor. This will be done online or via email and recorded in Tabula as usual.
- PhD students in extension will continue to be expected to fulfil monitoring points through monthly supervisor meetings.
- After submission of the thesis, PhD students on a Student Visa will have attendance at their viva voce examination and any resubmissions/second viva voce examinations as monitoring points. If corrections are required, monthly supervisor meetings should continue as monitoring points until final submission and examiner approval.
- Visiting research students are expected to fulfil the monitoring points above in the same way as a regular PhD student, for the time they are in the department. Where a 12 monthly progress report is listed, visiting students should record a supervisor meeting.
- A strict intervention process must be instigated at the point of two (consecutive) missed monitoring points. At three missed monitoring points a student is at risk of being automatically withdrawn from the course and visa sponsorship stopped.
Teaching and term dates
The academic year is split into three ten-week terms. Most of the teaching takes place in the first two terms, with examinations taking place in April/May. The exception is module EC9AA, which is taught in the third term (Year 1 MRes).
We use a numbering system to refer to the academic weeks during the year. After the two week pre-sessional mathematics course, week one of the Autumn Term (Term 1) starts on Monday 2nd October and runs for ten weeks. Weeks 11- 14 refer to the period over the Christmas vacation. The Spring Term (Term 2) runs from week 15–24, there are then 5 weeks over the Easter period, and Summer Term (Term 3) is from weeks 30–39. An explanation of the academic weeks system is available online. All term datesLink opens in a new window are published on the University website.
In practice, teaching sessions normally begin at five minutes past the hour and end at five minutes to the hour in order to allow people to enter and vacate the room. You should make every effort to be there on the hour so that teaching can begin promptly.
Completing a PhD (and doing research at the highest level more broadly) is an extremely rewarding, yet challenging and at times very frustrating, activity. Throughout the programme your main asset will be your peer group. An uncountable number of long-lasting partnerships and friendships have been formed during the PhD years discussing research and ideas. To facilitate this, MRes/PhD students can use the common space in rooms S2.127 or S2.132. Both rooms are equipped with some comfortable chairs and coffee tables for relaxing. S2.127 is opposite a small kitchen (S2.127B) with facilities provided during normal office hours including microwave, fridge and access to filtered and tap water.
Please do not take up space in the fridge overnight as it is intended for the storage of lunch boxes or similar only. For good health and safety standards to be maintained, it is not possible for this area to remain permanently open (card access is available out of hours). Out-of-hours kitchen facilities are located on the first floor, opposite the lift.
Work space in the Department is made available for first year and second year MRes students in room S0.56 and S0.58. You can access this room by swiping your student card. MRes students can use the lockers available in this room. However space is limited, so please do not take locker space if you have a room on campus.
PhD students will each be allocated a work space within the Department.
Printer and photocopier facilities are available in room S2.130 and S0.72 (use by swiping your student card).
Room S0.55 contains Bloomberg terminals which can be bookedLink opens in a new window for half hourly sessions.
The University provides dedicated study space and facilities for postgraduate students, including the PG Hub and the Research Exchange (further details of which are included in the Resources section of this handbook).
We seek to provide regular exposure to the latest world-class research by inviting external speakers to regular weekly seminars covering all areas of economics. Research seminars and lunchtime workshops are the key regular events around which the research life of the Department revolves. You can review our Seminar ScheduleLink opens in a new window to find out about all upcoming seminars in the Department.
Student Visa holders
Please make sure you are aware of your responsibilities whilst studying in the UK; there is a webpage for international Link opens in a new windowstudentsLink opens in a new window, which includes immigration adviceLink opens in a new window.
You can arrange to meet with an adviserLink opens in a new window from the Student Experience: Immigration and Compliance team to discuss visa issues.
International Student Support
The University have compiled a wide ranging guide, including tips and resources to including tips and resources to introduce you to living in the UK, help you prepare for your studies, and offer ongoing support during your entire time at Warwick. https://warwick.ac.uk/students/welcome/internationalstudents/Link opens in a new window
There are restrictions on the amount of work you can do as a Student Visa holder in that you may not work more than 20 hours per week until after your course end date and this applies to both term time and vacation. Further information on employment during and after your studies your studies is given on the Immigration and Compliance websiteLink opens in a new window.
Change of Study Location
It is essential that you inform the Postgraduate Office if you intend to change your study location. MRes students must seek permission by completing the Change of Study Location FormLink opens in a new window. PhD students should inform the Programme Officer (PGR). This is particularly important for students with Student Visa status, as the University is required to inform the UKVI if you are planning to be away from Warwick for more than 12 weeks. You must still be engaging with your studies during this time and we will continue to monitor your attendance and progress.
Authorised Absence
You may request an authorised absenceLink opens in a new window from your course for a compelling reason such as illness or bereavement for up to 42 calendar days in a single 12-month period. Please complete an authorised absence request form in Student Records Online. Periods of authorised absence are not reported to UKVI and as such the Student Visa will not be curtailed, although we are required to maintain records of absence for immigration purposes.
The University
The Department of Economics is based within the Faculty of Social Sciences, which is one of three faculties in the University. The University has become one of the UK’s best universities, consistently at the top of UK league tables, and climbing the international league tables of world class universities.
Student Administrative Services
Student Administrative Services (SAS) is part of the Education Group and delivers services and support to students at all levels of study from the point of enrolment to graduation. This includes managing central student records, centrally scheduled examinations, oversight of module registration, and production of award certificates, official transcripts, as well as the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR). We work closely with academic departments and other professional service teams to support and enable students' to succeed in their studies at Warwick .
If you wish to talk to someone in Student Administrative Services then you can find out the Student Reception's contact details and opening hours hereLink opens in a new window.
Doctoral College
The Doctoral College focuses almost exclusively on postgraduate research students (including master’s students on a research degree). The Doctoral College is accessible and available when needed, and proactively intervening when appropriate.
Find out further information on the Doctoral College web page.Link opens in a new window