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PhD Job Market Candidates 2017/18

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PhD Job Market Candidates 2017/18

Placement Officer

Prof. Dan Bernhardt

Room S2.89
Telephone: +44 (0) 24 7652 3470

Administrative Support

Natalie Deven

Room S0.90
Telephone: +44 (0) 24 7657 3452

PhD Candidates

Anik Ashraf

Danilo Cascaldi-Garcia

Juan Castro Fernandez

Conrado Cuevas Lopez

Darina Dintcheva

Wentao Fu

Gonzalo Gaete

Matteo Gamalerio

Nicolas Alejandro Lillo Bustos

Paula Lopez-Pena

Nicolás Navarrete

Patrick O'Callaghan

Guillem Ordóñez

Diego Solorzano Rueda

Zizhong Yan

  • Placement Outcome: Assistant Professorship, Institute for Economics and Social Research (IESR) of Jinan University
  • Fields: Econometrics, Applied Econometrics, and Economics of Education. Particular interests: 1) estimating treatment effects using both frequentist and Bayesian methods; 2) Bayesian approach to missing data problem; and 3) higher education and education in developing countries.
  • Supervisors: Prof. Sascha O. Becker, Dr. Mingli Chen, Prof. Michael K. Pitt
  • Curriculum Vitae: CV
  • Job Market Paper: Estimating Average Treatment Effects in Evaluation Studies: Using Dirichlet Process Mixtures
  • Visit website

Vaclav Zdarek