The University and the Law School is committed to providing a supportive and positive environment for all members of its community and a quality student experience. We recognise that there may be times when things do not go as planned. In times like these, it's important to know that there is a comprehensive support and welfare structure available to help with all kinds of different problems.

On this page we've outlined what support is available to you directly from the Law School, and also what further support the University can provide.

Information on Student Personal Circumstances Options can be found here.

Support within the Law School

For everyday issues, students have a Personal Tutor. If things are more concerning, you may find it helpful to speak with your Year Tutor. The Department's Senior Wellbeing Tutor is also available to consult on health and wellbeing matters that affect your studies.

Your Personal Tutor

Each student is assigned a personal tutor from the Law School who will provide academic advice and assist you with University life. You can talk to you tutor about most things and they'll usually be your first point of contact. You will meet with them at key points during the academic year.

You can find out who your personal tutor is on Tabula.

Please do not hesitate to contact them if you are experiencing any difficulties. Any information you provide will not impact on your studies and your personal tutor, along with the Law School, will do their best to assist you.

In this video, students Jure and Beth share some information about the personal tutor system at Warwick Law School.

Year Tutors

Personal tutors may refer cases needing higher level support to the wellbeing tutor for your year. You may contact them directly for issues you are not comfortable discussing with your personal tutor.

Helen Toner - First Year (UG) Wellbeing Tutor

Joy Malala - Intermediate Years (UG) Wellbeing Tutor

Karen O'Neill - Final Year (UG) Wellbeing Tutor

Joshua Pike - PPL Wellbeing Tutor

Wellbeing Tutors

Under the guidance of the Director of Studies, the Director of Student Wellbeing has overall responsibility for the operation and design of the Personal Tutor system at Warwick Law School.

Jane Bryan - Director of Student Wellbeing UG

Simon Behrman - Director of Student Wellbeing PG (T2 & T3)

Ali Struthers - PhD Mentor

If you require any further help and support please contact

Student Services Team

The Student Services Team have responsibility for the academic welfare of all students during their time here at Warwick. This includes attendance monitoring, granting assessment extensions, sharing reasonable adjustments with your module convenors, implementing special exam arrangements and overseeing the collection and collation of mitigating evidence.

Becca Williams - Student Services Manager

Sukhjit Takhar - Deputy Student Services Manager

Module Leaders & Seminar Tutors

Contact your tutors about the material covered in your modules. If there is something you do not understand, you should first speak with your seminar tutor during their advice and feedback hours and they should be able to offer you the help you need. Seminar tutors can also offer advice on assignments. Module leaders are responsible for all academic aspects of modules, including lecture content, seminar questions and solutions, setting assignments and tests if appropriate, and the provision of generic feedback on assessment. Contact them about any academic issue relating to a module which your seminar tutor cannot help with.

Directors of Study

Students are welcome to contact their Directors of Study but are encouraged to consult the above contacts in the first instance. The role of the Director of Study is the overall implementation of the Department’s academic policies in relation to teaching and learning.

Dr Maggie O'Brien - Director of UG Studies (T1 & T3)

Dr Daniel Lowe - Deputy Director of UG Studies / Director (T2)

Dr Kathyn McMahon - Director of Postgraduate Studies

Dr Daniel Matthews - Director of Postgraduate Research

LLM Programme Directors

Contact your LLM Director for help and support on your specific LLM programme.

Dr Ming-Sung Kuo - Course Director LLM ALS

Dr Velimir Zivkovic - Course Director LLM ICL

Dr Velimir Zivkovic - Course Director LLM IEL & LLM ICGFR

Dr George Meszaros - Course Director LLM IDLHR

Staff Advice and Feedback Hours

Advice and Feedback hours for our academic staff are listed on their individual staff webpages. As face-to-face meetings with academic members of WLS staff are currently not always possible, please contact them through email to set up a meeting on Microsoft Teams or another platform.

Equality and Diversity Officer

The student facing ED&I officer is your main point of contact for any Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion concern. Find out more.

Rachael Blakey - Deputy Director of EDI (Student Facing)

WLS Sexual or Relationship Abuse Support

Whatever the circumstances, if you have experienced or been affected by sexual and/or relationship abuse or harassment whether on or off campus, you can access a range of support. Whether that experience took place recently, or in the past, we understand that it might impact in various ways on your ability to study or participate in campus life.

Take a look at our poster for information on the various support services available. We have dedicated personal tutors within the Law School who can provide a consistent point of pastoral support, direct you to specialist services and help you fulfil your academic potential during your studies.

The University has a report and support platform where you can report unacceptable behaviour. Everyone at the University of Warwick, whether studying, working, or visiting, has the right to feel safe. Harassment of any kind is completely unacceptable, and our community is an environment where prejudice and socially unacceptable behaviour are never tolerated. Find out more.

Student Staff Liaison Committee

The Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC for short) offer essential channels of communication between students and staff and often lead to changes being implemented to improve your student experience.

Law UG SSLC Chair: William Sauvel Porter

Law PGT SSLC Chair: Laura Kisiang'Ani

Law PGR SSLC Co-Chairs: Dilahan Bice-Kurtoglu & Shivam Kataria (Term 1 & 3) / Panpan Sun (Term 2)

Find out more about the Undergraduate SSLC here & the Postgraduate SSLC here.

Financial Support

Law School Hardship Fund: The Law School has a limited fund available to assist undergraduate and postgraduate students experiencing sudden and unforeseen financial difficulties. Applications may be made to the fund by any student who is currently registered on a taught or research programme with us (this excludes students whose home department is not the Law School). Apply now.

PGR Law School Reimbursement Fund: Postgraduate research students who are currently registered and studying at the Law School can apply for reimbursement of their UK student visa and Immigration Healthcare surcharges. For details of eligibility criteria and how to apply please see our application form.

The University has a number of schemes available for students who may be struggling financially and need support. Find out more.

Academic Support

Legal Skills: For help with referencing, researching and academic writing skills. Undergraduate | Postgraduate

Law School Moodle Book: Designed by law students for law students, this Moodle Book called 'WOLC: Subject Specific Learning in Law' is a database of materials and resources to assist you through your studies.

Academic Integrity: Familiarise yourself with the information on poor academic practice, cheating and plagiarism in our Academic Integrity guidelines and discuss specific issues as and when they arise with your module tutors and/or personal tutor.

Library Resources: Visit the library webpages for additional support and assistance during your studies.

Student Complaints

Information on Warwick Law Schools Student Complaints procedure can be found here.

Support from the University

The University has a centralised provision for personal, health, wellbeing and safety support in order to improve and standardise student welfare.

Wellbeing Support Services can support students with a range of difficulties including practical, emotional, disability and mental health problems. Find out more.

Other University Support Services:

There are many different sources of support across the University. Here are some which you may find helpful:

  • Advice and Welfare Services at the Students' Union - practical advice on all aspects of student life.
  • Careers - the Universiy Careers team.
  • Chaplaincy - welcomes students and staff of any or no faith.
  • Counselling Service - offering free counselling and advice to all staff and students.
  • Dean of Students - the University's Dean of Students has overall responsibility for student welfare and the personal tutor system.
  • Disability Services - support for students with disabilities including mental health conditions.
  • English Language Support - available for Warwick students.
  • Financial Advice - information and advice on tuition fees, accommodation fees, library fines and any other charges students may encounter whilst they are at Warwick.
  • Health Centre - access health advice and register at the Practice.
  • International Office - guidance for students from overseas and visiting students, including visa and immigration advice.
  • Library Resources - Visit the library webpages for additional support and assistance during your studies.
  • Nightline - an independent student-run confidential listening support service which is open all night, every night of term from 9pm to 9am ext 22199, or 02476 417 668.
  • Residential Life Team - the Residential Life team work and live alongside you within the Halls of Residences and are a key part of the University's welfare and support network.
  • Community Safety - the Community Safety Team works 24 hours a day to support the University’s overall aims by ensuring there is a safe, secure and friendly environment for all.
  • Student Opportunity: skills - a great resource for improving skills and student development.