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Energy Day at COP26: Expert comment

The fourth day of COP26 is Energy Day and University of Warwick researchers are putting forward their views on the issues and challenges in combatting climate change through our energy use.

Thu 04 Nov 2021, 08:55 | Tags: Politics, Research, Politics and International Studies, COP26, energy

Countries lobbying to weaken UN climate recommendations - expert comment

Dr Tom Pettinger comments on reports that a number of countries are pushing the UN to water down a forthcoming report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) into how best to limit global warming.

UK government "should improve pay and conditions in care work": Prof Juanita Elias

Community care managers in the UK say that acute staff shortages are causing them to turn down new clients who need help. Professor Juanita Elias, an expert in social care from the Department of Politics and International Studies, offers her comment.

"War is not impossible" between China and Taiwan: Prof Shaun Breslin

Tensions between Taiwan and China are at their worst in forty years, according to Taiwan's defence minister, who has warned of the risk of an accidental strike. Read more in BBC News. Professor Shaun Breslin, expert in Chinese International Relations from the University of Warwick, offers his comment.

Most fossil fuels will need to remain underground: comments from Warwick experts

A new paper in the journal Nature argues that most fossil fuels, such as oil, gas and coal, will need to remain in the ground if we are to meet the target of keeping global temperature rise to 1.5C. Professor Michael Bradshaw of Warwick Business School and Dr Caroline Kuzemko of Politics and International Studies give their expert view on the conclusions below.

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