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France's 'yellow vest' protests could provoke constitutional crisis - expert comment

"The recent warning by the French government that there could be deaths in the protests anticipated this weekend is a very disturbing development." Dr Oliver Davis, Reader in French Studies comments on the ongoing 'yellow vest' protests in France.

Fri 07 Dec 2018, 11:05 | Tags: Politics, Faculty of Arts, protests, France, Expert comment, Europe

"Le Grand Kilo" - expert comment

"The kilogram was first introduced by the French revolutionary government in 1795, a symbol of a more enlightened and rational future." Dr James Poskett,Assistant Professor in the History of Science and Technology at the University of Warwick, explains why scientists should take heart from today's vote on redefining the kilogramme.

Fri 16 Nov 2018, 11:22 | Tags: French Studies, Faculty of Arts, Expert comment, Europe, History, Sciences

"the Hesse state elections mark a decisive shift in German politics" - Expert Comment

Professor Jan Palmowski reflects on the implications for German politics of the poor results for the CDU party and the Social Democratic Party (SPD) in the Hesse state election this weekend.

Mon 29 Oct 2018, 14:09 | Tags: Politics, Germany, Faculty of Arts, Expert comment

Dr Rashmi Varma responds to the Supreme Court Judgement in India on Section 377

India's Supreme Court has repealed Section 377, a law used to criminalise homosexuality. Dr Rashmi Varma comments.

Thu 06 Sep 2018, 10:56 | Tags: Politics, English, Faculty of Arts

US gun reform protests: social media savvy students could effect change

Students in the USA have staged a 'lie-in' outside the White House to demand reforms to gun laws, following the Florida school shooting which killed 17 people. Professor Tim Lockley, from the School of Comparative American Studies at the University of Warwick, comments on the story.

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