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Professor John Rudd on 'Black Friday'

Professor John Rudd, from Warwick Business School, explains how 'Black-Friday' invokes FOMO (fear of missing out) to encourage you to make purchases.

Thu 23 Nov 2023, 14:23 | Tags: Warwick Business School

PhD Researcher, Jack Wilson (Conspiracy theory expert) on 60 years since the JFK assassination

PhD researcher and conspiracy theory expert comments on the JFK assassination on the 60th anniversary. He says "For an event of this magnitude, the official account of Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone is wholly unsatisfactory and in this sense it is unsuprising that people have sought out alternative explainations (i.e. conspiracy theories)"

Wed 22 Nov 2023, 08:58

Professor Eric Holub on Global Food Security Summit

Professor Eric Holub, from the School of Life Sciences, discusses the benefits of home-grown produce as the Global Food Security Summit launches.

Mon 20 Nov 2023, 10:41 | Tags: Food Security

Icelandic Volcano: Dr Katie Reeves

Dr Katie Reeves comments on the anticipated volcanic eruption in Iceland.

Tue 14 Nov 2023, 11:05 | Tags: Volcano

Dr Chris Strelluf gives a linguists' perspective on the King's Speech

Dr Chris Strelluf comments on how the King's Speech both how it advocates for the government and distances itself from the monarchy.

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