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Religion and the Census

Are you considering recording your religion as Jedi, heavy metal or climate-concerned on census day? Before you do, consider why the census asks the religion question and the value of the data for society.

The Music of the Spheres

Can we explain what music is and what music does? Philosophers, mathematicians and musicians have all had a go, explains Minhyong Kim, Professor of Algebra, Geometry, and Public Understanding of Mathematics at Warwick Mathematics Institute.

Ingenuity from Inclusivity: Women in Engineering

What can women do for engineering and what can engineering do for the world? We ask some of our high profile women engineers.

Computers can help society but can't solve the human condition

In front of a massive white board, full of hand-scrawled symbols and equations, sits Professor Graham Cormode. He has recently been awarded the Adams Prize for Mathematics. It’s a prestigious award from the University of Cambridge, given each year to a UK-based mathematician for distinguished research in the mathematical sciences.

Equations that changed the world

From Pythagoras’s Theorem to the Black-Scholes equation, equations have shaped our lives – even if we weren’t aware of them. In the introduction to his book, 17 Equations That Changed the World, Ian Stewart, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warwick, explains the power and beauty behind these mathematical calculations.

Tue 13 Mar 2018, 00:30 | Tags: Maths & Statistics Science & Technology

Star Wars had it wrong about asteroids

Professor Ian Stewart, a mathematician from the University of Warwick, is a self-confessed Star Wars enthusiast, but he does have one intergalactic-axe to grind. Here he explains – with maths – why one of the most iconic chases in space just couldn’t happen.

Professor Sir Christopher Zeeman, FRS

Obituary of Sir Christopher Zeeman, Founding Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warwick, who passed away in February 2016.

Thu 25 Feb 2016, 12:00 | Tags: Maths & Statistics Science & Technology

Sustainability: An interview with Martine Barons

We're aspiring to do better for our local surroundings, for our people and for our planet through teaching and research. We spoke to Dr Martine Barons from the Department of Statistics, who researches decision support in food security at Warwick.

Tue 23 Feb 2016, 09:00 | Tags: Life Sciences Maths & Statistics Science & Technology

Can we predict our political future?

As our understanding of big data grows, can we harness its power to predict the future? At the Warwick Institute for the Science of Cities (WISC), Adam Tsakalidis is researching how to best unlock the secrets of our political future using the ever growing big data source, social media.

What trends will we see in a big data future?

Big data is one of the areas of focus for business, government and research at present and when you start looking at what big data is, it’s not surprising. One of the big attractions for big data is its potential. Based on their area of expertise, we asked some of our leading academics how we can tap into the potential of big data.

What is big data?

Big data is a major area of interest for businesses, government and researchers like those at Warwick. Big data cuts across the departments, institutes and faculties at Warwick and we have many leading researchers exploring the world of big data and investigating the opportunities for government, business and society more broadly.