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How will the Solar System Die?

Researchers have spotted a planet surviving its dying star. Dimitri Veras, from the University of Warwick's Astrophysics research group, explains what it tells us about end of our Solar System.

Thu 14 Oct 2021, 22:02 | Tags: Physics & Astrophysics Science & Technology

Black out: what happens during an eclipse?

What is an annular solar eclipse - and before scientific understanding, what did people think when the Moon covered the Sun?

New physics against the odds

Scientists working at the Large Hadron Collider have found some unusual results that potentially contradict the current and established theory of elementary particles. But as Professor Tim Gershon from the Department of Physics explains, there is still a long way to go before we re-write the rule book.

Thu 22 Apr 2021, 10:50 | Tags: Physics & Astrophysics Science & Technology

Doctor Who and the Moon

Science fiction is a gateway for children and adults to explore and understand scientific premises and for a long time Doctor Who has captivated and inspired audiences. Dr Elizabeth Stanway from Warwick’s Astrophysics research group discusses ‘real’ science content about the Moon which has appeared in Doctor Who annuals during a period when public interest in our nearest neighbour was waning.

Thu 04 Mar 2021, 12:35 | Tags: Film & TV Physics & Astrophysics Science & Technology

Women in science, innovate in science

On the UN's International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we hear from young researchers at Warwick and ask them about their hopes for their research and the importance of equality in their chosen field.

How to make Christmas 2020 really different

From watching a little-known festive film, to trying a Victorian parlour game or even spotting a once in a lifetime astronomic occurrence, academics at the University of Warwick have compiled a few ideas to help you enjoy something different – deliberately – this Christmas.

Space, chaos and inspiring women: Professor Sandra Chapman on her career

"It’s becoming more and more important that we think in whole system terms. How small changes can bring about large changes.” Professor Sandra Chapman, from Warwick’s Department of Physics reflects on delivering this year's Ed Lorenz lecture at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).

Thu 03 Dec 2020, 16:48 | Tags: Physics & Astrophysics Science & Technology

Dragons in the Sky

In 793CE, monks recorded sightings of dragons in the skies above northern England. While the streaks of fire they witnessed were likely to be a meteor shower, they weren’t the first or the last to see dragons in the night sky. Dr Elizabeth Stanway looks at some of the other legends, myths and stories linking dragons and space.

The real Tatooine: Could there be life on other circumbinary planets?

From Gallifrey to Tatooine, planets with multiple suns feature widely in science fiction, but there are currently only ten real ‘circumbinary’ planets identified by space scientists. Dr David Armstrong from Warwick’s Astrophysics research group considers what we know about planets with two stars – and asks if life could exist there.

Could we grow potatoes on Mars?

Exploring habitability, on our own world and beyond, is a research priority for the University of Warwick. Ares Osborn from Warwick’s astrophysics group, explores one aspect of this topic - growing food on Mars.

Do meet your heroes: Don Pollaco on the day he met Neil Armstrong

In a personal blog, written originally in 2013, Professor Don Pollaco describes the initial awkward moments during the life-changing evening when he met his hero, Neil Armstrong.

Mon 13 Jul 2020, 09:00 | Tags: History Physics & Astrophysics Science & Technology