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Closing the loop on battery manufacture

A team of polymer scientists at WMG, University of Warwick, is working on a way of making batteries more recyclable, with the aim of closing the loop on battery manufacture.

Sun 13 Feb 2022, 19:34 | Tags: Chemistry Innovation Science & Technology Technology

Enhancing urban resilience through citizen science

As 70 per cent of the world population lives in cities, improving urban resilience against disaster is paramount, and to do this effectively you need to involve the communities most affected say Professor Jon Coaffee, Politics and International Studies and Academic lead for the Global Research Priority in Sustainable Cities, University of Warwick, and Dr Vangelis Pitidis, Politics and International Studies.

What is the Energy Trilema and how could it help form policy that will insulate the UK from future energy disruption?

If we are to take action that will avoid future energy crises, then we need to examine UK energy policy through the lens of the Energy Trilemma, says Dr Jonathan Clarke from the University of Warwick’s Centre for Global Sustainable Development.

Women in science, innovate in science

On the UN's International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we hear from young researchers at Warwick and ask them about their hopes for their research and the importance of equality in their chosen field.

Supporting a zero carbon future through transport innovation

Professor David Greenwood from WMG, University of Warwick, looks ahead to COP26, the ban on sales of petrol, diesel and hybrid vehicles by 2030 and considers how the UK could and should become a global leader in the decarbonisation of transport.

Could we grow potatoes on Mars?

Exploring habitability, on our own world and beyond, is a research priority for the University of Warwick. Ares Osborn from Warwick’s astrophysics group, explores one aspect of this topic - growing food on Mars.

Electric Vehicles: The now, the near future and the never again

The electric vehicle revolution is speeding up, but it can only go so far without the necessary infrastructure & technology. How is research improving the range, rechargeability & affordability of electric vehicles?

Wed 05 Aug 2020, 16:00 | Tags: Engineering Innovation Science & Technology Technology

The sticky situation regarding space debris

Many of the things we take for granted in the modern world rely heavily on satellites in space. But as they become redundant or fail, many become space debris and risk damaging other satellites. James Blake from the Astronomy and Astrophysics Group explores the growing need to safeguard satellites against the hazards they face on a daily basis.

Thu 09 Jul 2020, 15:43 | Tags: Physics & Astrophysics Science & Technology Technology

Is COVID-19 making the future more plastic?

While the pandemic is just temporary, plastic pollution will be long lasting, says Dr Fengwei Xie from WMG, University of Warwick.

Building more resilient UK manufacturing supply chains

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how manufacturing supply chains are critical to the process of delivering products and services essential to life. Whilst a series of ‘lifeboat’ projects are needed to protect manufacturing capability in the short term, Professor Janet Godsell, from WMG, University of Warwick says now is the time for UK manufacturing supply chains to pivot and build capability for the future.

Will the socially distanced PMQs change Parliament forever?

Professor Wyn Grant from Warwick’s Department of Politics and International Studies reflects on the rather muted debate in the House of Commons during the first socially distanced Prime Ministers Questions in the chamber.

Tue 28 Apr 2020, 08:31 | Tags: Politics Politics & Society Technology