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Warwick Fifth in Times Good University Guide 2005

Today sees the publication of The Times’ Good University Guide 2005. Warwick is up three places to take fifth place after seeing a rise in entry standards, library and computer spending, facilities spending, the number of firsts and upper class seconds awarded and graduate destinations.

Warwick Student Wins Prestigious Student Prize

Saba Hinrichs, a 4th year Electronic Engineering student has won second place in the prestigious UK Erasmus Student Prize.
Thu 05 Aug 2004, 11:01 | Tags: Sport, Study, Education, Engineering, Physics, Medicine and Health, Art, English

Celebrating Open Studies Success

Warwick University celebrated the achievements of Open Studies students at a special award ceremony on Saturday 18 October.

Mon 02 Aug 2004, 10:21 | Tags: Awards and Distinctions, Study, Education, University Affairs

101 Things to do with a Pumpkin (and other Chemical Adventures)

Last week the Department of Chemistry invited over 70 11-13 year old pupils from local schools to take part in the Salters' Festival of Chemistry. The pupils had a fun-packed hands-on day taking part in different practical experiments including building a chemical stopwatch and problem solving using forensic science.
Thu 29 Jul 2004, 08:39 | Tags: Study, Education, University Affairs, Chemistry, Community

NAGTY @ Warwick 2003 - Thoughts on the summer school

Coming to the summer school for the first time, I did not know what to expect. A certain feeling of anxiety weighed upon me heavily. I had never been away from home for more than a week, and the prospect of leaving the house for so long seemed quite daunting.
Tue 27 Jul 2004, 15:24 | Tags: Study, Education, University Affairs

NAGTY @ Warwick 2003 - Maths in Action

I am on the Mathematics In Action course at the NAGTY @ Warwick Summer School. We have been studying different topics in maths and seeing how they relate to real life.
Tue 27 Jul 2004, 15:21 | Tags: Study, Education, Mathematics and Statistics, University Affairs

NAGTY @ Warwick 2003 - Getting to Know Engineering

During the summer school, I took part in the engineering course. Our project was to design a Light Rail Transit System (LRTS) to run between the University of Warwick and Coventry City Centre. There were many things we needed to think about: route; vehicle designs and colours; the service times; and the costs.

Tue 27 Jul 2004, 15:15 | Tags: Study, Education, Engineering, University Affairs

NAGTY @ Warwick 2003 - The Student Experience

NAGTY @ Warwick is a three week summer school, run in conjunction with the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth. Running from 21 July to 8 August, the summer school gives Gifted and Talented students the opportunity to study in a University environment, specialising in a chosen academic area.

Tue 27 Jul 2004, 14:40 | Tags: Study, Education, University Affairs

Summer School - It's That Time of Year Again

Many of us have fond and vivid memories of last year’s summer school programmes and the University is gearing up for it again. Teams of people have been working hard in preparation and will continue to work to ensure the smooth running of the events.

Warwick Skills Certificate Celebrates Successes of Students

The successes and achievements of students on the Warwick Skills Certificate programme were celebrated at a presentation on Monday 23 June. 18 of the successful students were presented with their certificates at the event.

Students' Union Sabbatical Officers go "Back to School"

This year's Student Union Sabbatical Officers have agreed to go "Back to School" as part of new outreach programme being run in partnership with the Student Recruitment and Admissions Office.

Mon 26 Jul 2004, 11:03 | Tags: Study, Education, Community, Undergraduate Students

New Centre for Essential Skills Opens at Warwick

A new centre to support professional development in teaching essential skills has been opened at Warwick University by Ivan Lewis, Parliamentary under Secretary of State for Adult Learning and Skills.

Mon 26 Jul 2004, 09:50 | Tags: Study, Education, University Services, University Affairs

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