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Warwick Lecturer wins British Council Award for English Language Teaching

Tim Kelly, who teaches in the Centre for English Language Teacher Education (CELTE) at the University of Warwick, has won the British Council English Language Teaching Innovation in Education Award for his work on the CD-ROM Listening to Lectures.
Wed 28 Jul 2004, 16:02 | Tags: Education, Computer Science, IT, University Affairs, English

£5 Million Award for Pioneering Project to Train New Breed of Scientists

Warwick University has been awarded £5 Million for a new Life-Sciences Doctoral Training Centre which will educate a new breed of scientists.

On-line enrolment

Last November, the University launched a project to develop a web-based system for enrolling new and returning students to offer a better service to students, improve the University's data quality, save staff time and reduce costs.

New Payroll System Update

In issue 275 of CommUnicate, a project to select and implement a new HR/Payroll system was announced. The invitation to tender has now been issued to a number of prospective suppliers and the Project Team and others will shortly be involved in assessment of the alternatives.

Warwick Spin-Off Company Secures Funding Through Connect Midlands

A Warwick University spin-off company has successfully secured funding for their digital imaging invention thanks to a program designed to bring technology companies and the investment community closer together.

Thu 22 Jul 2004, 14:52 | Tags: Business Members, Business, Economics, Engineering, Computer Science

The National Business to Business Centre

The creation by the Warwick Manufacturing Group and the DTI of The National B2B Centre demonstrates the importance of e-business in today’s commercial environment and the potential benefits to the UK’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

e-learning strategy proposed

e-learning was a key aspect of the development of the University’s e-Strategy. Since then further consideration of the impact of e-learning has continued under the leadership of Professor Chris Clark (Chair of the e-learning Steering Group of the IT Policy Committee) and a detailed e-learning Strategy is now proposed.

Introducing e-lab

E-lab is the part of IT Services which is responsible for developing new technologies and tools, particularly in the area of web services, e-learning and business systems.

Thu 15 Jul 2004, 10:57 | Tags: Computer Science, IT, University Affairs

Warwick Business School Sets Up First Global E-Auction For MBA Students

As part of the newly developed e-business module of their Distance Learning MBA (DLMBA), Warwick Business School, one of the world’s leading business schools, together with SynerDeal, a leading European e-purchasing provider, conducted a live e-auction on June 11 this year.
Tue 13 Jul 2004, 09:42 | Tags: Business Members, Business, Computer Science, IT, Academic Staff

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