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Looks matter more than reputation when it comes to trusting people with our money

Our decisions to trust people with our money are based more on how they look then how they behave, according to new research from the University of Warwick.

Engineers and clinicians in digital interchange to master future healthcare

The Institute of Digital Healthcare in WMG, University of Warwick is therefore launching a new flexible Masters in Digital Healthcare to help the brightest minds learn about, develop and implement digital healthcare innovations in the challenges facing modern healthcare. 

Jaguar Land Rover funds new Professor at WMG to lead key Hybrid / Battery Electric Vehicle Digital Product Innovation

Jaguar Land Rover has announced that they are to fund a new Chair (Professor) in WMG at the University of Warwick as a key element in their strategic relationship with WMG.

Warwick Only European university in new NYU led Center announced by New York Mayor

New York’s Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, and New York University’s President John Sexton yesterday, 23rd April 2012, announced an historic agreement between New York City, New York’s MTA, and a consortium of world-class academic institutions including the University of Warwick that will lead to the creation in New York of a “Center for Urban Science and Progress” (CUSP).

Three new university franchises for Unitemps online recruitment agency

A scheme that allows universities to employ students as temps has expanded to include three more institutions, increasing the number of on-campus branches to eight locations in the UK.

Award Winning US Marketing Professor joins WMG research team

Award Winning US Marketing Professor Stephen L. Vargo has just arrived in the UK to undertake an extensive research collaboration as a Visiting Professor with WMG’s Service Systems group at the University of Warwick from Feb 1 to Sept 30, 2012.

Tue 06 Mar 2012, 08:30 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

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