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Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics supplemented for 21st century care robots

Isaac Asimov famously devised three laws of robotics that underpinned a number of his science fiction books and short stories, Professor Tom Sorell of  University of Warwick has help develop a new set of rules that they believe will be needed for  21st century care robots.

Thu 14 Aug 2014, 13:31 | Tags: robots, Philosophy, Sciences, Health and Medicine

Will to win forms at four years old

New research suggests children don’t understand competitive behaviour until around the age of four.

Thu 15 Aug 2013, 11:52 | Tags: Philosophy

University of Warwick researcher calls for re-think on celebrity obsessed culture

A philosophy professor at the University of Warwick has urged for a re-evaluation of our notions of celebrity – calling for a return to when fame was a reward rather than simply a goal.

Fri 12 Aug 2011, 14:41 | Tags: Philosophy, Arts

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