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THE SOUND OF THE UNDERGROUND: What noisy worms tell us about soil health

Researchers are listening to earthworms to monitor soil health, in what could be a major innovation for maintaining soil health.

Historical medicine suggests a new way to use modern treatments

Combining honey and vinegar could be an old, yet new, way of treating persistent infections.

Helping plants and bacteria work together reduces fertiliser need

Helping to promote the natural relationship between plants and bacteria could reduce reliance on environmentally damaging fertilisers, a study has found.

Pathogen mapped for the first time – to understand evolution and potential treatments

A parasite which has devasting impacts on agriculture and human health is the first pathogen to have its proteins located and mapped within its cells – providing clues to their function and helping to identify potential drug targets.

Can super-speedy plant cells feed a growing population?

New research will investigate whether specialised plant “train tracks” that move molecules in cells could help feed the growing population.

Wed 22 Mar 2023, 09:25 | Tags: Plants, cell biology, School of Life Sciences, Life Sciences, farming

Increase homegrown fruit and veg and add £0.5bn to the economy say scientists – as we reel from supermarket shortages

As the UK reels from recent fruit and vegetable shortages, scientists are advising how to increase homegrown produce – benefitting the economy and the environment.

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