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Fast changes between the solar seasons resolved by new sun clock

In a new study led by the University of Warwick and published in The Astrophysical Journal, scientists found that the change from solar maximum to the declining phase is fast, happening within a few (27 day) solar rotations. They also showed that the declining phase is twice as long in even-numbered solar cycles as it is in odd-numbered cycles.

Tue 17 Aug 2021, 15:31 | Tags: Astrophysics, astronomy, Sciences

High-value chemicals to be made from agricultural waste thanks to RAEng Fellowship

Dr Alexander Darlington from the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick has been awarded one of sixteen fellowships in the 20th cohort of Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships.

Three RIBA award wins for the Prof. Lord Bhattacharyya building

The Prof. Lord Bhattacharyya building, home to the National Automotive Innovation Centre, based at the University of Warwick, has received an impressive three awards at the RIBA West Midlands regional awards.

Mayor opens Ramfoam’s new headquarters as company embraces digital thanks to WMG, University of Warwick

One of the first companies to sign up to the MadeSmarter programme to improve the digital capabilities of smaller businesses has officially opened its new company headquarters and factory in Sandwell, thanks to the help they received from WMG at the University of Warwick.

Crash-resistant glazing installed on the new Coventry Very Light Rail Vehicle

A new form of window glazing featuring a lightweight polymer with an advanced scratch-resistant coating has been installed on the Coventry Very Light Rail vehicle, and could be used in other means of public transport. The new windows are highly resistant to breakage which provides passengers with a step-change in safety.

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 11:47 | Tags: WMG, Coventry, VLR, Sciences

First International safety standard for fully automated driving systems has been published

The use of low speed automated driving systems can contribute to reduction of congestion and carbon emissions all over the world, however the enrolment of such systems has been hampered by the lack of safety standards, until now; as an international group of experts led by WMG, University of Warwick working as part of an ISO technical committee have published the first international safety standard for level 4 automated driving systems.

Thu 08 Jul 2021, 14:31 | Tags: automotive, WMG, autonomous vehicles, Sciences

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