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Variety isn't the spice of life thanks to the diversification bias

Ever wondered why your cupboards are full of tins and packets of food you never eat or need? It is because we suffer from diversification bias.

Thu 21 Mar 2013, 14:52 | Tags: WBS

Scientists find origins of teamwork in our nearest relative the chimpanzee

Teamwork has been fundamental in humanity’s greatest achievements but scientists have found that working together has its evolutionary roots in our nearest primate relatives – chimpanzees.

Tue 19 Mar 2013, 12:42 | Tags: WBS, Social Affairs, Education, Business and Management

'Status quo bias' affecting take up rate for bowel cancer screening

The NHS has to overcome people’s ‘status-quo bias’ if it is to increase the number of screenings for bowel cancer.

Thu 14 Mar 2013, 12:10 | Tags: WBS, Health and Medicine

England's productivity gap is at its biggest in the North East

The productivity gap that has puzzled economists during the UK’s long-running economic downturn is at its biggest in the North East according to a new study.

New economic forecasting unit finds West Midlands is worst hit region

A new economic forecasting unit set up to give an up-to-date picture of the West Midlands economy has found that it has been one of the worst hit regions by the UK's ongoing economic downturn.

Thu 07 Feb 2013, 11:00 | Tags: WBS, Economics and Finance, Business and Management

Billions of Google searches shows Germany is most forward-looking country

The UK has been knocked off its perch as the most forward-looking country by Germany. A new analysis of millions of Google queries found that in 2012 Germany searched for the future on the internet more than any other country.

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