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Fast business growth programme practices what it preaches & signs up 100th Company

A special business support programme designed to help small and medium sized Midlands businesses find ways of starting and managing periods of fast growth is practising what it preaches by growing as fast as the businesses it is helping.

Research says Retailers' Own Label Products Market Share has Risen to 42%

New research by economists at the University of Warwick and the University of Toulouse says the average market share of retailers' 'own label' products has risen to 42% in the UK, partly as a result of increasing concentration in the retailing industry. But the dominance of own labels tends to be in products that are bought frequently - like bakery or dairy products - rather than infrequently - like health and beauty or paper products.

Corporate adviser to leading Japanese phone company outlines vision at WBS

Mr. Kouji Ohboshi, Corporate Adviser, for NTT DoCoMo, Inc, Japan’s most advanced mobile telephone company has chosen Warwick Business School as the sole European business school at which he will outline his vision of the international mobile communications market that will connect 570 million people, pets and machines in Japan alone.

Pension security can't be solved by tighter regulations

The lack of pension security in the UK is a scandal, according to ESRC research at the University of Warwick. "The Government has continued to push a private solution to what is essentially a public problem," says Professor Noel Whiteside, who conducted the research.
Mon 09 Aug 2004, 16:05 | Tags: Social Affairs, Business and Management, Business Members

SME's Seize Back Control of their Websites

Small and Medium sized business are increasingly frustrated that their websites are often at the mercy of third parties. They often have to pay web designers for every change and wait for indefinite periods while updates wait in a queue. Accuracy has also been a problem, with costly mistakes taking just as long to rectify. Now a new free DTI backed consulting service will help West Midlands SME's seize back control of their websites.
Mon 09 Aug 2004, 13:38 | Tags: Regional Issues, Business and Management, Business Members

SME's Seize Back Control of their Websites Thanks to New Free DTI Backed Service

Small and Medium sized business are increasingly frustrated that their web sites are often at the mercy of third parties. They often have to pay for every change and wait for indefinite periods while updates wait in a queue. Accuracy has also been a problem, with costly mistakes taking just as long to rectify. Now a new free DTI backed consulting service will help West Midlands SME's seize back control of their web sites.
Mon 09 Aug 2004, 13:06 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

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