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Dismay at Collapse In UK Manufacturers Investment In Automation

The British Automation and Robot Association (BARA) based at the University of Warwick is greatly concerned with UN figures just published that show In 2002, robot investment in the United Kingdom plummeted by 61%. Across the world as a whole robot orders in first half of 2003 were up by 26% - The UK however lags behind with proportionally less robots engaged in the UK manufacturing industry than the US, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, or even Austria.
Wed 04 Aug 2004, 09:51 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

Researchers Find That Superman's Teeth Can Superconduct

Researchers at the University of Warwick have found that phosphorus, an element commonly found in teeth, can act as a "superconductor" - but you would have to have the strength of Superman to clench your teeth hard enough for it to work - as it happens at a pressure of around 2.5 megabars - some 30,000 times harder than an ordinary human can clench their teeth.
Tue 03 Aug 2004, 15:50 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

UK Energy Network Must Move to Multi-Plant System to Meet Sustainability Targets

Recent massive power failures in the US, Sweden, Denmark, London, and Italy combined with environmental concerns are forcing the world to rethink energy policy so environmental and security objectives are met together, and the UK is no exception, says Dr Catherine Mitchell, a researcher with Warwick Business School.

New Research Says Being Top Dog Makes us Happier Than Simply Getting Top Dollar

New research by a group of economists and psychology researchers at the University of Warwick reveals that our rank position within an organisation has a bigger effect on our happiness within that job than the happiness generated by our actual level of pay. In short being top dog makes us happier than simply getting top dollar.

Horses for Courses and Dogs for Meetings, Says Psychologist

National Meetings Week 2003 runs from October 6-10, and as a bit of fun, to mark the event, the organisers asked Dr June McNicholas, a senior research psychologist from the University of Warwick, to suggest how dogs could be used in meetings.
Tue 03 Aug 2004, 14:07 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management

Maria Thorpe first of hundreds of Goldman Sachs Scholars at NAGTY

Sandwell girl Maria Thorpe is to be the first Goldman Sachs Scholar at the University of Warwick's the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth.

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