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New Research Reveals Corporations Increasingly Make Employees Face the Music

Forget performance related pay and flexi-time, new research by Martin Corbett from Warwick Business School reveals large corporations are using hip pop music to develop loyal, hard-working employees, and encourage workers, literally, to sing from the same hymn sheet. However, despite encouragement, not all employees dance to the same tune.
Tue 03 Aug 2004, 10:33 | Tags: Health and Medicine, Business and Management

New Fitness System Brings Zest to the Over 40s

The University of Warwick is assisting a Birmingham based SME (Small and Medium Sized Enterprise) with health promotion by increasing awareness of a unique fitness system designed to help fortify those who are unfit or over 40.

Gifted Kids First to Use New Training Aid for Nation's Soccer Stars

Gifted young people studying at the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth's Summer School at the University of Warwick will be the among the first to use a new simple but effective training aid designed to train up the next generation of UK soccer stars.
Mon 02 Aug 2004, 13:52 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members, Sport

Government Backed Business Centre: Now is the Time to Profit from Open Source Technology

Open source software is now mature and cost-effective; we must now ensure that businesses profit from this opportunity" so says Martin King-Turner, open source project leader at NB2BC (the government funded National Business to Business Centre at the University of Warwick) as it launched a major new initiative to help businesses gain the benefits of open source software.
Mon 02 Aug 2004, 10:08 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

Connect Midlands Help Warwick University Spin-Out Company Gain Investment

Connect Midlands have helped Dig-ePrint Ltd, a University of Warwick spin-off company, to successfully secure funding from Catapult Venture Mangers, for their creation of a digital imaging invention. The Catapult investment is the result of presenting at a Connect Midlands Springboard event, which was held in October 2002. Connect Springboard gave Dig-ePrint the opportunity to showcase their business to the investment community.
Fri 30 Jul 2004, 13:10 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

Iain Roxburgh to Head Research Consortium of Local Authorities

Coventry City Council's former Chief Executive Iain Roxburgh has been appointed to lead a consortium of 25 local authorities who have been working together with the University of Warwick for the past decade to pool research into issues facing local government.

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