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Midlands Plastics Companies Win £2 million Worth of Free New Technology Support

The University of Warwick's Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) and Rapra Technology have won £2 million of funding to help West Midlands plastics companies in their adoption of new technology, environmental improvements and waste reduction activities.

Five year tax holiday required to stop manufacturing decline being absolute and terminal

Speaking at an AMICUS Fringe Meeting at Labour Party Conference yesterday (29th Sept 2003) on the subject "Rebuilding Manufacturing" Professor Sir Kumar Bhattacharyya Head of the Warwick Manufacturing Group at the University of Warwick called for a five year tax holiday for new manufacturers to stop UK manufacturing decline from being absolute and terminal.

New Research Says up to one in five of vacancies remain unfilled due to skill shortages

In the last decade, unemployment has halved and job vacancies have more than doubled. Now, nearly 15% of establishments have unfilled jobs and 2.7% of jobs are vacant. And according to research by Dr Andy Dickerson from the University of Warwick's Institute For Employment Research , presented to the Royal Economic Society's Annual Conference on Tuesday 8 April, one in five of these vacancies remain unfilled due to skill shortages among the job applicants. Dr Dickerson's report examines the nature and distribution of job vacancies in order to understand why there are 'workers without jobs' and 'jobs without workers.

South African Minister Announces Leading UK Engineer to Help Run Transport Network

South Africa’s Public Enterprises Minister Jeff Radebe has announced that Professor Sir Kumar Bhattacharrya, Director of the Warwick Manufacturing Group at the University of Warwick, has been appointed as a new Board Member of Transnet Limited - which operates and controls South Africa's major transport infrastructure.

Distance from London holds Back Spread of Fast Food Outlets in UK

New research by University of Warwick Economics Professor Michael Waterson, to be presented at the Royal Economic Society's Annual Conference on Tuesday 8 April, explores the influences on the spread of fast food outlets for the key case of McDonalds in the UK. It finds unsurprisingly that population and population density influence the spread of their outlets - locations around the UK with greater population and greater population density received outlets first. However distance from their head office in London also mattered. Districts more distant from London than others are likely to get outlets more slowly. As expected the research also found that once the company moves into a particular part of the country, adjoining areas are more likely to have outlets developed there.

Coventry and Warwickshire SMEs Offered a Taste of the BIG Time

'BIG' - a highly acclaimed business growth programme pioneered by Warwick Business School, is being opened up to Coventry and Warwickshire SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises) who want to generate fast growth, in a new programme starting on 24th October 2003.

Tue 27 Jul 2004, 15:55 | Tags: Regional Issues, Business and Management, Business Members

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