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UK Universities host high-profile careers fair in Shanghai

Careers professionals at the Universities of Warwick, Birmingham and Nottingham are busy planning their next business partnership in China after their first joint graduate careers event in country attracted praise from employers, students and alumni.


Uk’s first access course in Islamic Education launched at Warwick

The UK’s first access course in Islamic Education has been launched by the Centre for Education Studies at the University of Warwick. The short course is designed to bridge the gap between traditional Islamic seminaries and modern higher education, and is especially relevant to Muslim educators, faith leaders and graduates of traditional Islamic seminaries who want to continue their professional and academic development.

Declaration of Intent: the Creation of a European University Alliance

Following executive discussions, detailed planning by academic groups, and the joint signing of key memoranda, the University of Warwick (United Kingdom), the University of Paris Seine (France) and Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium) have declared their intention of founding an expanding European alliance of universities in response to the European Commission’s call for the creation of strategic collaborations between higher education institutions.

UK’s first 1 GHz solid-state NMR Spectrometer funded at Warwick

The UK’s first 1 GHz solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometer is on its way to the University of Warwick, thanks to £8 million from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

Archbishop Welby visits WMG, University of Warwick

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, visited WMG at the University of Warwick today (4 May 2018), as part of his ‘homecoming’ tour around Coventry, the city where he was first ordained.

Medical school to show the public how to build a human

The University of Warwick will be opening its doors to explain how we all got here. For the first time Warwick Medical School is holding a public science evening to explain the journey we all make from one cell to a human being.

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