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Warwick Business School Rises Again in Worldwide Business School Rankings

The University of Warwick Business School (WBS) has risen to 34th position in the influential Financial Times World MBA rankings, published today, 20th January, making it 8th in Europe, and 3rd in the UK, splitting Cambridge and Oxford (2nd and 4th respectively). WBS has now risen 20 places over the past three years.

Warwick Business School hosts high-level forum on employee involvement

As one of a series of DTI-promoted regional round-table discussions on the issues facing the UK in implementing the EU Directive on informing and consulting employees about key business developments, Warwick Business School's Industrial Relations Research Unit (IRRU) hosted the West Midlands round-table on 22 November at the University of Warwick. IRRU is the only academic institution to be asked to host these discussions.

Business Innovators Join Forces to Make up for 7 Lost Years of Knowledge Management

Seven years have been squandered on Knowledge Management - time wasted trying manipulating knowledge in machines when we should have concentrated on people.

Prestige Innovation Award for University Collaboration that is Set to Transform Biomedical Science

The University of Warwick has won the Lord Stafford Award for innovation for its work with Coventry based Improvision. The Teaching Company Scheme (TCS) project has developed a cutting edge scientific imaging technique and enabled Improvision to increase product sales by 300 per cent and double the number of people employed.

Warwick Manufacturing Group to create Malaysian Manufacturing Institute

On September 2nd the University of Warwick's Manufacturing Group (WMG), and the Government of Malaysia, will sign a significant agreement to create a brand new Advanced Manufacturing Institute in Kuala Lumpur which will shape the future of manufacturing industry across all of South East Asia.

Major US Management Research Award Goes To European For First Time

At the annual meeting of the US Academy of Management in Denver, Colorado, Professor Andrew Pettigrew was presented with the Distinguished Scholar Award. The award for 'significant scholarly contributions that have advanced management knowledge and practice', is seen as a recognition of a lifetime's work rather than an acknowledgement of one particular piece of work.

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