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Investment in Robots plummets in UK

Research by the British Automation and Robot Association (BARA) at the University of Warwick has found UK manufacturing has all but stopped investing robots. Robot sales to UK manufacturers in the latest quarter have almost halved to 110 from 199 in the previous quarter. This contrasts sharply to what is happening on the continent, where sales are booming. BARA, who collect these statistics, believe this is due to a number of factors.

Warwick Manufacturing Group to create Malaysian Manufacturing Institute

On September 2nd the University of Warwick's Manufacturing Group (WMG), and the Government of Malaysia, will sign a significant agreement to create a brand new Advanced Manufacturing Institute in Kuala Lumpur which will shape the future of manufacturing industry across all of South East Asia.

Major US Management Research Award Goes To European For First Time

At the annual meeting of the US Academy of Management in Denver, Colorado, Professor Andrew Pettigrew was presented with the Distinguished Scholar Award. The award for 'significant scholarly contributions that have advanced management knowledge and practice', is seen as a recognition of a lifetime's work rather than an acknowledgement of one particular piece of work.

Warwick Business School to turn football stars into future football managers

Today's football stars are to train to be future football managers at Warwick Business School (part of the University of Warwick). Warwick Business School has been commissioned by The Footballers' Further Education & Vocational Training Society Ltd (a body funded by The Professional Footballers Association), the FA Premier League, the Football League, the FA and The League Managers Association to provide a training programme to develop the management skills of footballers who want to become football managers.

WBS Launches European MBA

Warwick Business School is launching the European MBA in partnership with the School of Business Administration at Mannheim University in Germany, and ESSEC (Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales) near Paris, one of the renowned "Grandes Ecoles de Commerce" in France.
Mon 19 Jul 2004, 11:26 | Tags: Education, Business and Management, Business Members

New Research Turns Sewage Farms into Power Plants

Researchers at the University of Warwick's Warwick Process Technology Group have devised a process that turns wet waste from sewage farms and paper mills into a source of power.
Mon 19 Jul 2004, 10:48 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

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