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Government’s new KEF report puts Warwick in top 10% of English universities for “Public and community engagement” and top 20% for “Working with Business”

The Government’s new Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) report published today, Wednesday 31st March 2021, shows that, in among universities and higher education providers in England, Warwick is in the top 10% for “Public and community engagement” and the top 20% for “Working with business”.

Coventry Very Light Rail tours its future home

The prototype vehicle has done a tour of Coventry so it could see its future operational home. After leaving the vehicle production site in Coventry it stopped outside the Co-op building and the Transport Museum so that the public could get a better view.

Tue 23 Mar 2021, 20:45 | Tags: WMG, Coventry, electric vehicles, Coventry VLR, Sciences

Virtual Green Week aims to collaborate with local community

Communities across Coventry and Warwickshire are being urged to make the fourth annual Green Week a launch-pad for sustainability. Green Week, which this year will take place between Monday 8th and Sunday 14th March 2021, originated from talks between the University of Warwick, Coventry City Council and Coventry University, and has since encompassed Warwick District Council and Action 21.

Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on BAME carers in Coventry and Leicester

The impact of COVID-19 on older people and their carers in Coventry and Leicester’s BAME communities will be explored as part of a major new study into how social and economic inequalities have affected health and care provision during the pandemic.

WMG one of three major Midlands industry partners in new alliance

Three of the major industry partners in the region are to work closer together for the good of the local economy as part of a new 12-month pilot.

WMG, at the University of Warwick, The Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP) Growth Hub, and The Manufacturing Technology Centre have signed a new agreement which will make it easier for manufacturers to access equipment and expertise they need to develop new and existing products and processes.

Thu 21 Jan 2021, 17:05 | Tags: WMG, Coventry, Sciences

Early construction of prototype innovative light rail vehicle for the City of Coventry

On the 25th November Coventry City Councillor Jim O'Boyle, Coventry Cabinet Member for Jobs and Regeneration, took the opportunity to see how the construction of the Coventry VLR prototype, developed by engineers at WMG, University of Warwick for the City of Coventry is progressing.

Thu 26 Nov 2020, 09:56 | Tags: WMG, Coventry, Coventry VLR, Sciences

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