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StarLeaf and Blackboard Collaborate Platforms - Advanced notice of platform retirements (1st July 2022)

AV Services would like to announce that the Audio and Video Conferencing - StarLeaf and Blackboard Collaborate - Webinar Service platforms will both be retired from our support model as of the 1st July 2022.

After this date, any new requests to setup an Audio and Video Conference or Webinar booking on either of these platforms, will be rejected.

All existing sessions will remain operational after this date and the self service support content will still be published, however any requests to modify existing bookings for existing customers will be handled on a case by case basis and may be subject to the request being declined.

We recommend all new and existing customers utilise the Microsoft Teams platform.

Why are we taking this decision?

In light of the ever declining use of both platforms and a transformation in both usage levels and the breadth and depth of functionality now found within Microsoft Teams, now is the right time to refocus our service priorities to maximise the level of service and support we can offer to our customers.

For any questions in relation to this policy, please feel free to log a call (Please select Audio Visual as needed)

Thu 18 Nov 2021, 23:38 | Tags: Service Updates Video Conferencing Webinar