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Make your work Open Access

What are the routes to OA?

There are two routes; Green and Gold.

Green OA, self-archiving, where an author deposits his/her article into a research repository at no charge. At Warwick, the Warwick Research Archive Portal (WRAP) supports Green OA. This service is a platform where research outputs are available (usually the accepted version). The final version remains with the publisher. There are no charges to the author or funders with Green OA. The WRAP team check publishers' permissions to ensure compliance with agreements you have made with your publisher.

Gold OA refers to the Open Access Publishing Model. Alongside articles in a traditional subscription journal (known as hybrid OA) or in a journal that only publishes Open Access articles. Open Access articles are peer reviewed in the normal way, made freely available to the world immediately upon publication. Costs are covered either through a subsidy from an institution or professional society, the author or the author’s sponsor (employer, funding agency).

Funders, such as the UKRI, and Wellcome Trust, require researchers to apply a Creative Commons by Attribution (CC-BY) licence to the article.


Using the traditional publishing route, authors assign copyright to publishers through agreements they sign when their article is accepted for publication. (Authors should keep copies of all such agreements for their own future reference). This means that on publication all rights for this work go to the publisher.

In Open Access publishing Creative Commons Attribution licences are used. UKRI and Wellcome Trust funded articles should be made OA with a (CC-BY) licence. The copyright of the article remains with the author. Such a licence means that the content can be reused in the widest possible sense by the author and others (as long as it is attributed to the author).

The University of Warwick's institutional repository, WRAP, allows deposit of journal articles with creative commons licences.

Funding available at Warwick


Follow the workflow recommended in our ‘Check Before You Submit’ form. This will help you work out the answers to these questions. 

Wellcome Trust

Follow the workflow recommended in our ‘Check Before You Submit’ form. This will help you work out the answers to these questions. 

Contact openaccessfund at warwick dot ac dot uk if you have any concerns about the compliance of your journal.

What happens after I have applied?

Once your application has been received, you will be advised if you have been allocated funds usually by the end of the next working day.

As the author, using a ‘read and publish’ agreement you must indicate to your publisher that you wish the article to go Open Access, requesting a CC-BY creative commons licence (the publisher will apply the licence, you need do nothing additional to apply for this) and there should not be anything further you need to do.

If you have been allocated funding for an open access journal you must indicate to your publisher that you wish the article to go Open Access, requesting a CC-BY creative commons licence (the publisher will apply the licence, you need do nothing additional to apply for this) and wherever possible request an invoice to be sent to your department. Some journals ask for credit card payments, this is something you will have to arrange with your department. Some journals charge for invoices, if possible, please avoid this extra charge.

The Library will obtain a unique cost code for the allocations of funds. The code is then sent to our departmental finance contact in order to process payment. The unique cost code should only be used against the APC for the specified article. Separate applications have to be made for each article you wish to go ‘open’.

Invoices should be passed to your department for payment.

Open access journals also generate invoices and request where these should be sent. Please give department details.

If you are not funded by UKRI or the Wellcome Trust you should still consider open access options.

Read and Publish Agreements

Special agreements with publishers

The University of Warwick Library has Read and Publish agreements with several publishers. Some allow you to publish your articles open access without requiring further payment to the publisher. Others entitle you to a discounted open access fee / article processing charge (APC).

 Full list of these agreements
[v1.2, last updated 15/08/2023]

Please take these agreements into consideration when deciding where to publish.

  • if your publisher offers free APCs: follow the instructions for your publisher below. You don't need to complete a separate application
  • if your publisher offers discounted APCs: you still need to apply to use APC funding
  • if your publisher doesn't offer free or discounted APCs: apply to use APC funding

Free APCs

We're taking part in the American Chemical Society ‘Read & Publish’ agreement.

Journals covered by the agreement

If you're a Warwick corresponding author and your article is accepted by any ACS journal, you have the option to make it open access at no further cost to the author.

Note - All articles accepted on or after the 1 January 2022 will be made open access retrospectively.

What you need to do

Follow the instructions from the ACS for:

  • publishing under the American Chemical Society Read and Publish Agreement
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Warwick
  • use your Warwick email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

We're taking part in the American Psychological Association (APA) Publishing agreement.

Journals covered by the agreement

If you're a Warwick corresponding author and your article is accepted by any hybrid APA journal, you have the option to make it open access at no further cost to the author.

What you need to do

Follow the instructions from the APA for:

  • publishing under the APA's Jisc Members Agreement
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Warwick
  • use your Warwick email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

The content for all 51 Annual Reviews journals is invited. They don't accept submitted articles and they do not use an APC model. 

If you are invited to publish in any of their Subscribe to Open journals, your article will be Open Access.

Free and discounted APCs

We're participating in the new JISC Publish and Read agreement with BMJ.

Journals covered by the agreement
  • if you're a Warwick corresponding author;
  • publishing work acknowledging an eligible funder (UK Research and Innovation (Medical Research Council, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Arts and Humanities Research Council, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Economic and Social Research Council, Natural Environment Research Council, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Innovate UK, Research England), British Heart Foundation, Blood Cancer UK, Cancer Research UK, Parkinsons UK, Versus Arthritis or the Wellcome Trust);
  • and your article is accepted by a hybrid or open access journal from BMJ authors will be able to choose to publish open access at no additional cost.
Not covered by the agreement

This agreement is only available to researchers acknowledging one of the funders listed above.

However, we also have an agreement with BMJ that entitles all Warwick corresponding authors to a discount on their APC.

What you need to do
  • follow the guidance on the BMJ website, selecting ‘University of Warwick’ as your institution
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Warwick
  • use your Warwick email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Free APCs

We're participating in Jisc’s read and publish agreement with Cambridge University Press, for articles accepted for publication between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2024.

Journals covered by the agreement

Hybrid and fully Gold Open Access journal titles included in this CUP journal list (Excel download).

What you need to do
  • use the How to publish Open Access under this agreement section on CUP’s website:
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Warwick
  • use your Warwick email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Free and discounted AP

We're participating in the new JISC Read and Publish agreement with Elsevier.

Journals covered by the agreement

If you're a Warwick corresponding author and your article is accepted by a journal in one of the collections below:

When publishing in applicable Elsevier hybrid journals, authors will be able to choose to publish open access at no additional cost.

Not covered by the agreement

A small number of Elsevier’s hybrid titles are excluded from the agreement – please use their journal search tool to check your journal is included.

APCs for articles in Elsevier’s Pure Gold Open Access journals aren't covered, but a 15% discount is available. If you wish to publish in these journals you'll need to apply for APC funding.

What you need to do
  • follow these instructions from Elsevier under "Instructions for Corresponding Authors"
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Warwick
  • use your Warwick email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Free APCs

Emerald’s Green Open Access policy allows you to make your Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) openly and immediately available in the institutional repository with no embargo from the date of first online publication.

Journals not covered by the agreement 
  • These Gold Open Access journals require an APC; this is not part of the agreement:
  • International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management
  • Mental Illness
What you need to do
  • Insert this text into your AAM:
    • “This author accepted manuscript is deposited under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC) licence. This means that anyone may distribute, adapt, and build upon the work for non-commercial purposes, subject to full attribution. If you wish to use this manuscript for commercial purposes, please contact
  • Use the WRAP Simple Deposit  to send us your AAM
  • Keep the AAM under embargo with access restricted until first official online publication on Emerald’s site 
  • Use a CC BY NC licence

From January 2021, all articles published in IET journals will be fully Open Access – free to read, download and share, and subject to a CC-BY licence.

Content published from 2013 up until the year of the transition will show as Free Access. This means that all copyrighted content published from 2013 will be free to access, download and share, but will not be subject to a CC-BY licence.

IET is now part of the Wiley Read and Publish agreement. Please follow the Wiley instructions for a free APC.

Free APCs

We're participating in the IoP agreement under which you can publish Open Access in the majority of IOP’s hybrid journals without needing to acquire separate funding.

Journals covered by the agreement 

Journals in List A, B, C and D on  IoP’s list of eligible journals. 

What you need to do
  • follow the How to take advantage of this agreement instructions from IoP 
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author 
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Warwick 
  • use your Warwick email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement 
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Oxford University Press

Free APCs

We're participating in Jisc’s read and publish agreement with Oxford University Press.

Journals covered by the agreement

Nearly all OUP’s hybrid and fully Gold Open Access journal titles listed on OUP’s participating journals webpage. Scroll to the bottom of the page.

What you need to do

Follow the instructions at OUP’s authors

  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Warwick
  • use your Warwick email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Free APCs

We're taking part in the Royal Society ‘Read & Publish’ agreement.

Journals covered by the agreement

If you're a Warwick corresponding author and your article is accepted by any Royal Society journal, you have the option to make it open access at no further cost to the author: Royal Society journal list.

What you need to do

Follow the instructions from the Royal Society for:

  • using the Royal Society Read and Publish agreement
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Warwick
  • use your Warwick email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds

Free APCs

We’re participating in the Jisc/Royal Society of Chemistry ‘Read and Publish’ agreement.

Journals covered by the agreement 

You can choose to publish in any of the journals RSC class as hybrid (i.e. all journals except their gold open access journals and Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP), which are already free to access) and which have a CC-BY licence.

What you need to do 
  • follow the ‘Read and Publish Author Guidelines’ from RSC 
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Warwick
  • use your Warwick email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Please note – for RSC extras, such as reprints or cover artwork charges, are not covered by this agreement, and cannot be covered by the UKRI block grant. If you accept these charges, then you are responsible for funding them.

Free and discounted APCs

We're participating in JISC’s Read and Publish agreement with Sage.

Journals covered by the agreement

If you're a Warwick corresponding author and your article is accepted by a journal in one of the collections below, it will be Open Access without you needing to acquire separate funding:

Not covered by the agreement

APCs for articles in Sages’ Pure Gold Open Access journals aren't covered, but a 20% discount is available. If you wish to publish in these journals you'll need to apply for APC funding.

What you need to do
  • follow these instructions from Sage under "Subscription journals"
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Warwick
  • use your Warwick email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Free APCs

We're participating in SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics), which allows authors to publish Open Access in key journals in the field of High Energy Physics at no cost to the author.

Journals covered by the agreement

If you're a Warwick corresponding author and your article is accepted by one of the High Energy Physics journals participating in the SCOAP3 it will be Open Access without the need for separate funding.

Titles included in the 2nd and 3rd phase of this scheme are:

  • Acta Physica Polonica B
  • Advances in High Energy Physics
  • Chinese Physics C
  • The European Physical Journal C
  • The Journal of High Energy Physics
  • Nuclear Physics B
  • Physics Letters B
  • Physical Review C 
  • Physical Review D
  • Physical Review Letters
  • Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
What you need to do
  • Follow the submission process in each journal's guidelines
  • Authors won't pay any fees or need to complete any extra admin
  • Include your ORCiD in the submission process

Free APCs

We are participating in the Springer Nature Open Access agreement.

Journals covered by the agreement

If you're a University of Warwick corresponding author publishing in one of the Springer, Nature or Palgrave journals in the "Hybrid journal list" on Read and Publish agreements, your article will be Open Access by default.

Fully Open Access Journals

APCs for articles in the Springer, Nature or BioMed Central Open Access journals will be covered by the agreement if you are funded by UKRI or the Wellcome Trust. In addition, all University of Warwick corresponding authors will recieve a 15% discount on their open access fees, regardless of the funding acknowledged.

What you need to do
  • follow these instructions from Springer confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Warwick
  • use your Warwick email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds, unless you are publishing in a fully open access journal.

Free APCs

We're taking part in the Taylor & Francis JISC Read and Publish agreement. APC costs will be taken from a shared fund for participating UK Jisc institutions under a first come, first served approach. There is an annual cap.

Journals covered by the agreement

These Taylor & Francis’ “Open Select” hybrid journals.

Journals not covered by the agreement

Taylor & Francis and Routledge Open fully Gold Open Access titles.

35 Premium titles where the APC costs exceed £3,000.

What you need to do
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Warwick
  • use your Warwick email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Free APCs

We're taking part in Wiley’s JISC agreement. APC costs will come from a shared fund for participating institutions.

Journals covered by the agreement

If you're a Warwick corresponding author and your article is accepted by one of the journals below, it will be Open Access; you won't need to get separate funding:

  • Wiley’s fully Gold Open Access journals (xlsx)
  • Wiley’s hybrid (subscription) Online Open journals (xlsx)
What you need to do

Follow the instructions from Wiley for:

  • publishing your article in a fully Gold Open Access journal (pdf)
  • or making your article Open Access with OnlineOpen (pdf)
  • confirm that you're the corresponding author
    • Please note: Wiley now require you to allocate one Responsible Corresponding Author (RCA) at submission stage. This role will be used to determine eligibility for the Read and Publication agreement and cannot be altered
  • confirm that you're affiliated with the University of Warwick
  • use your Warwick email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement
  • use a CC-BY licence

You don't need to make a separate application to use APC funds.

Enquiries about these agreements can be directed to Yvonne Budden, Scholarly Communications Manager, at openaccessfund at warwick dot ac dot uk.

Open Access logo

  OA funding request
(Warwick login required)

  openaccessfund at warwick dot ac dot uk

Quick links

Help and advice

On journal compliance and filling in the application form:
  openaccessfund at warwick dot ac dot uk.

On depositing journal versions into WRAP:
  publications at warwick dot ac dot uk.

On managing the financial processes and internal recharges please contact your departmental Finance Team, or, openaccessfund at warwick dot ac dot uk