Managing your research data
From the initial planning of a project through to archiving and sharing, the Library’s research data management team advises the Warwick community on managing research data outputs across the research data lifecycle to meet policy and funder expectations.
See below for data management planning support across all parts of the data lifecycle.

Learn how to plan your research data, helping you make the right decisions about creating, storing and sharing your data before you start your research project.

Discover how to you can make your data files easy to store, find and use including formats, storage and file naming.

Make your research data accessible and tips on how to access data sources for your research.

Preserve & share
Discover how to preserve and store your data securely for as long as necessary.

EPSRC funded
Guidance from EPSRC for funded researchers on the availability and accessibility of research data.

Access sensitive datasets -Safepod
Find out more about our new service to facilitate local access to sensitive data held in major data centres.Deposit research data
Follow these instructions to deposit your research data into the Warwick Research Archive Portal.Research support
Popular open access services:
Search for research support.
Care and management of your data is an essential part of research good practice. Most funders and many academic institutions now have mandates to ensure that data is properly managed and, where possible, shared.
We are always happy to help, for questions or support.
Individual advice and individual or group training on RDM are available. Please contact us on
Profiles: Research support