Publicising events
Library spaces are extremely popular and, as such, they are seen as attractive places to advertise events, campaigns or to promote causes. We are therefore inundated with requests from all areas of the University, not least the Students’ Union Societies.
Unfortunately at the moment we are not able to directly accommodate requests for the distribution of publicity information, either in the form of printed fliers, or in the form of slides for the plasma screens. This is because at the moment we do not have staff in post to manage this and until they are appointed we cannot support the service.
Please note that rules and regulations in place to support and maintain a high quality study environment and minimise disruption to those studying are still in place and the following policy applies:
- The ground floor entrance lobby for the building (just outside Café Library) to be kept clear of any obstructions including tables, chairs, free standing display boards, etc
- This is the primary and major fire evacuation route for the Library, Lib 1 and Café Library. The Library team, has been given clear instructions by the University Health & Safety Office that, whilst we should maintain all the evacuation routes of the building free of any obstructions, particular attention should be given to the front first and ground floor lobby areas and stairways as this is the primary route
- This is also a high traffic area and it can be considerably congested at peak times. Our priority is to ensure an unhindered flow and to maintain a route free of any obstacles which may impede safe evacuation or cause congestion or problems, particularly in an emergency situation. We monitor the space regularly throughout the day
- Alternative possible venues are the SU or the Piazza
- No posters, leaflets or stands inside the Library (in any area) and/or the Library building
- If posters, leaflets or stands are found inside Library spaces without permission the Society’s Marketing Officer/relevant party may be liable to a fine
- No distribution of society materials and/or equipment, e.g. T-shirts, fleeces, sweets, cakes etc. inside the Library (in any area) and/or the Library building
- No selling of items/merchandise e.g. cakes, T-shirts etc. within Library spaces
- No direct approaches to Library customers, including promotional stands unless permission is confirmed by the Customer Services Manager
The Library reserves the right to fine relevant party/parties for any action not in accordance with the above.
If you wish to add content to the digital signage please see the appropriate link above. Please do not send these requests to the Library, we can only redirect you, until our situation changes.
Please email any other queries to library at warwick dot ac dot uk.