Rules and regulations
Library rules
These rules supplement the University Library Regulations which are published separately and are available from the University Library. They apply to all constituent parts of the Library unless specific provision to the contrary is included or displayed in the site concerned.
1. Borrowing entitlements
The following entitlements apply to books in the general loan collections of the Central Campus Library.
Membership category | Borrowing entitlements | Loan period |
All Warwick categories: Undergraduates, Postgraduates, Staff |
Up to 999 books | 1 year, rolling loan (we will also renew your loans each year unless an item you have borrowed received a Click and Collect request) |
Lay members of Council | 5 books | 2 weeks |
Warwick Alumni | 5 books | 2 weeks |
External Registered Borrowers | 5 books | 2 weeks |
*External borrowers may not reserve books or use the Document Supply service |
In addition to the items listed above we also have a 3 day loan category for books in high demand. These books will be automatically renewed, however if a click and collect request is put in for a 3 day loan we will not be able to renew and you will need to return the book.
2. External registered customers - charges
The Librarian or approved representative reserve the right to refuse access to any external customer.
- Reference access is free of charge
- For Warwick Alumni the external borrowing charge is waived
- For other External Registered borrowers an annual charge of £85 (plus VAT) is payable for external borrowing facilities. This charge may be reduced or waived should a reciprocal arrangement or scheme be available. The charge for the particular arrangement will then apply. For further information please see visiting
3. Access to loan of materials: special categories
Books and other materials in high demand and certain classes of material (e.g. computer software) are subject to restricted loan conditions, irrespective of the status of the borrower.
Certain classes of material, e.g. reference works, (including items in the Learning Grid) theses, books of special value and periodicals, may not normally be borrowed.
Access to the Library's electronic resources may be restricted to certain categories of customers.
4. Scale of charges
a. Items on Loan
In order to ensure all staff and students have fair access to library resources, management of the recall system and account blocks will be the principle means of policing the recall system. This will be managed by:
Customers not returning books within a week of receiving a recall will have their library accounts blocked. This will prevent the customer from borrowing further items or renewing items
If an item is overdue for two weeks, it will be assumed lost and the customer will be invoiced for the cost of replacing the item
- Failure to return material on time may result in a bill for a replacement being sent.
- If the borrower can provide a replacement copy only a £10 administration fee will be charged for each item
- If a copy of an item is not provided, the full replacement copy cost will be charged, together with an administration fee of £15 for each item
- If the item cannot be replaced, a standard fee of £35 will be charged
- If items are subsequently returned, the bill will be withdrawn, normal fine regulations will apply and a handling charge of £10 per item will also be levied
- If the item is one of a set or series, a borrower may be required to replace the whole set or series; the Librarian has discretion to reduce or increase the charge
- For overdue items which are on loan from other libraries a first overdue reminder will be sent. If the item is not returned after a week a second overdue reminder will be sent and the customer's Library record will be blocked.
- Failure to return an item on loan from another library after two weeks will result in a bill for the full cost plus an additional administrative charge of £10 per item
b. Loss or damage
Library customers are required to replace lost or damaged items. A charge will be made as for failure to return material in 4 v above.
c. Removal of items without the loan being recorded or of items confined to the Library
Members of the University may be charged a fine of an amount not exceeding £50, undergo suspension of privileges for a period not exceeding one term, or both of these. They may also be reported to the Registrar for possible disciplinary action. customers who are not members of the University will be referred to Security staff.
d. Activating the Security Alarm Barrier
Members of the University who activate the security alarm and have unissued Library materials in their possession may be referred to the Librarian or his Deputy, or reported to the Registrar for possible disciplinary action. customers who are not members of the University will be referred to the Security staff.
e. Defacing of books or damage to Library property
A fine of an amount not exceeding £50 may be charged and/or privileges will be suspended for a period not exceeding one term.
f. Non-use of a terminal booking without prior notice
A fine of an amount not exceeding £5 may be charged and/or database searching privileges may be withdrawn for a period not exceeding two weeks.
g. Behaviour in the Library considered inappropriate or behaviour likely to disturb others
Library customers may be charged a fine of £10.
h. Serious disciplinary offences
Under Section 2.3 Regulation 23 governing disciplinary matters, the Librarian will, where the gravity of the offence appears to warrant it, report the matter to the Registrar who will then set in motion the major disciplinary procedure which carries much higher penalties.
Quick links
- Charges
- Lost property policy
- Lost books
- Complaints procedure
- Please behave responsibly by abiding by our Code of Conduct