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There are no fines in relation to overdue and recalled items.

Recall Policy

In order to ensure all staff and students have fair access to library resources, management of the recall system and account blocks will be the principle means of policing the recall system. This will be managed by:

  • Customers not returning books within a week of receiving a recall will have their library accounts blocked. This will prevent the customer from borrowing further items
  • If an item is overdue for 2 weeks, it will be assumed lost and the customer will be invoiced for the cost of replacing the item
  • To unblock the account the customer will need to contact us

The Library aims to manage the recall policy in a fair and consistent manner. Blocks on Library records and invoicing relating to lost books may be waived or reduced only where exceptional circumstances apply, for example:

  • illness
  • an accident
  • hospitalisation
  • family problems
  • University administration or other problems e.g. delays in registration or ITS email set-up

Written verification, such as a doctor's note or letter/email from your tutor, will be required to support the request to waive a restricted or invoiced items.

The Library will waive any charges incurred due to Library error. A 'claims returned' would occur if you think you have returned an item and it is still showing on your online My Library Account. You should always keep your receipt until you have checked your Library Account.

If an item is lost you will have to replace it. You can either replace the item yourself or be invoiced for a replacement. In both situations an administration fee will be levied.

Additional charges

  • Lost books
  • Breach of rules
    • related to behaviour - 1st occasion warning, second occasion £10
    • removing items without issuing or attempted removal of reference items
    • defacing a book or damage to Library property

Avoiding blocks on your Library account and other charges

You can reduce the chance of a block on your Library account by:

  • Checking your Library record via My Library Account 

  • Renewing your items online 24/7 before they become overdue

  • Keeping your receipt as a reminder of when the book is due back
  • Checking your Warwick email account regularly. (External borrowers should check the email account they used to register as an External borrower). You will be reminded by email before items become overdue or if an item has been recalled for use by another customer. Never ignore a Library Notice. If you believe the details on the notice to be incorrect, contact us immediately. A Click and Collect request will block any renewal of an item by the current borrower. Books on loan may be recalled
  • When returning your books through the returns machine check your receipt. If a book you returned doesn’t appear on your receipt, please check with the Helpdesk on Floor 1
  • Complying with Library Rules e.g. using appropriate zones for mobile phone use, noise food and drink; leaving promptly at closing time; using Learning Grid Reference Collection within the Learning Grid only and carrying your University ID card to scan as you enter/exit the Library

Please note:

  • If a member of the University, you will need to check your Warwick email account or set up appropriate forwarding rules and return any recalled book promptly
  • If an external member of the Library and you have given us a valid email address, you will need to check this email account. It is your responsibility to notify us of any change of personal details, including email address. You will need to check this account regularly and return any recalled books promptly
  • Non receipt of a 'courtesy' email is not acceptable as a viable reason for not returning an item. It is your responsibility to check the due date and return items by the date specified
  • The University requires all undergraduate and postgraduate finalists to clear all University debts before graduation
  • Do not lend your card or Library materials issued to you to anyone else. All Library materials issued on your card are your responsibility. Please remember to close your account on screen when you have completed any self-issuing of resources and take the printed issue receipt. You are advised to check your return receipt when you return resources and to keep your receipt until you next check your My Library Account 


If you have lost a book or have a query about fines, please contact a Customer Support Team Leader (email: or telephone 024 7652 2026, during core hours Monday-Thursday 9.00-17.30, Friday 9.00-16.30

Overdue notices

Email overdue notices are sent as a courtesy to borrowers. For registered staff and students of the University this is via their University email. Failure to receive notices sent by the Library does not remove customers' obligation to return material by the due date, nor does it constitute grounds for reducing fines. Customers who have items checked out in their name, are responsible for their proper use and timely return. This means that the borrower assumes financial responsibility until the items are discharged from their accounts.

How to pay charges

The preferred method of paying your charges is online using credit/debit card. You will not be charged an administration fee.

Please note: currently External members are unable to access the online payment facility, please use one of the other payment options below.

Other methods of payments:

  • At the main Library Helpdesk during staffed service hours using credit/debit card


Fines are no longer charged on overdue or recalled items. In order to ensure all staff and students have fair access to library resources, management of the recall system and account blocks will be the principle means of policing fair access to resources. This is intended as an incentive for customers to return material on time, increasing the availability of resources to other users.

The Library will automatically renew your books for you. However on occasion, if a Click and Collect request has been placed on an item you borrow, we will recall the book earlier than the loan date and will not be able to renew your item.

Courtesy and overdue email notices are sent to your University of Warwick email account for Standard Loan items (personal email for External borrowers).