Lost books
Please complete this form to advise us of a lost Library book.
- If you are able to provide a replacement copy, in very good condition, you will only be charged a £10 administration fee for each item. If you plan to provide a replacement copy (this should be the latest edition), please do so within 30 days of letting us know that the book is lost. If we do not receive a replacement within 30 days, you will be invoiced
- If you are not able to provide a copy you will be charged for the replacement copy together with a £15 administration fee for each item
- If the book is out of print and cannot be replaced through any of the Library suppliers, you will be invoiced for a standard fee of £35
- Once an invoice has been raised it becomes a University debt and must be paid in full
- If a lost book is returned, the invoice will be cancelled. If a lost book is returned after an invoice has been paid no refunds will be made